Anti-smog gospel? Hydrogen molecular medical research or bring the gospel


Anti-smog gospel? Hydrogen molecular medical research or bring the gospel

January 17, 2017 Source: Lilac Garden

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For non-professionals, treating diseases with hydrogen is unimaginable. In fact, at the World Chest Conference “Hydrogen Antioxidation and Lung Disease Forum” held in Shanghai in April 2016, Academician Zhong Nanshan of the Chinese Academy of Engineering mentioned the application prospects of hydrogen molecular medicine.

Hydrogen molecular medicine, emerging research fields

In 2007, Japanese scholar Ohsawa discovered that hydrogen can alleviate liver damage caused by ischemia-reperfusion, selectively reduce active oxidants (such as hydroxyl radicals) in cells, and propose a hydrogen molecule selective antioxidant hypothesis. .

Since then, the research on the anti-oxidation effect of hydrogen molecules has attracted the attention of some scholars, including the academician Zhong Nanshan. In his view, hydrogen molecular medicine is an emerging field of research:

We know that many diseases, including tumors and inflammatory diseases, are a chronic inflammatory process whose mechanism is oxidative stress. The oxidative stress reaction is caused by the generation of some free radical ions, which destroy the body tissues, or cause the body to abnormally proliferate to produce tumors. Hydrogen molecular medicine provides us with a new tool for antioxidants.

On this basis, he also said:

Chronic airway diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, bronchiectasis or bronchiolitis, can be considered whether it can directly invade the airway by inhaling hydrogen molecules, and exert antioxidant effects on inflammation and abnormal lesions in the airway. , resulting in a therapeutic effect.

Treatment of disease, theoretically possible

At present, animal experiments on the therapeutic use of hydrogen molecules have shown that hydrogen molecules have certain effects on Parkinson's disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and mitochondrial diseases.

According to Zhong Nanshan, two or three decades ago, inhaled hernia was used to alleviate the symptoms of hypoxia in patients with respiratory diseases. The therapy uses a small molecular weight of helium instead of nitrogen to allow oxygen to enter the deep part of the airway for therapeutic purposes.

Compared with the gas phase of helium, the molecular weight of hydrogen is smaller, not only has physical oxygen carrying effect, but more importantly, it can be considered to utilize the antioxidant of hydrogen to make it play a role in the treatment of certain chest and lung diseases.

In this regard, Academician Zhong Nanshan believes that:

We need to conduct a standardized clinical study, without any bias in the design of the trial, the most stringent of course is the double-blind trial to observe the effect of hydrogen on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma and bronchiectasis.

Really used in clinical, it will take time

At present, theoretically and from the conclusions of some animal experiments, hydrogen molecules have a good clinical prospect for diseases. But the real application of it to disease treatment is far from simple.

"To judge its clinical efficacy, you need a very strict and well-considered scientific design. Only then can you know which diseases it is effective for, how it will appear, and the extent of its effects," Zhong Nanshan said.

At present, air pollution in China is aggravated, and environmental factors are an important cause of lung diseases. Traffic police and sanitation workers who have been working outdoors for a long time are exposed to smog. The health problems of these occupational groups are also issues that medical scientists need to pay attention to.

A recent study published in the Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory, "Study on the protective effect of hydrogen on the exposure of sanitation workers to smog exposure," has brought some positive information. Studies have shown that high-concentration hydrogen (67% hydrogen, 33% oxygen) inhalation treatment can help reduce the level of inflammatory indicators related to airway oxidative stress, and can improve respiratory symptoms such as cough in sanitation workers.

It can be seen that hydrogen may be used to treat diseases in the near future, solving many patients' problems.


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