The following six points should be noted in the summer high temperature seasoning: First, choose a plot. After selecting the plot, the fully decomposed farmyard manure should be added as the base fertilizer and shallow tillage should be carried out. The second is to prevent high temperature hazards. It is difficult to germinate lettuce and celery at high temperature. Seeds can be soaked for 8 hours, then wrapped in wet gauze and placed in a cool place to germination. The third is to prevent virus damage. Vegetable virus disease occurs severely under high temperature, and various measures should be taken; in addition to the above-mentioned nursery facilities, mustard and tomato seeds can be treated with 10% trisodium phosphate solution for 10 minutes, then rinsed with water. The fourth is to prevent the danger of heavy rain. Summer rainstorms cause soil compaction, which is not conducive to seed germination and unearthing. If it is vulnerable to heavy rain, it is advisable to choose sand loam. The fifth is to prevent drought damage. It should be planted in the seedbed after pouring the bottom water, or fully watered and then planted on the ground. After sowing, the soil is pressed and covered with plastic film. Also pay attention to watering the seedbed in the morning and evening. Sixth is to prevent the seedlings from growing up. It is necessary to use a watering can to sprinkle water in the morning and evening, and to timely divide the seedlings or the seedlings, and the nutrient area of ​​the seedlings should be larger. Cucumber and tomato can be sprayed with ethephon to control the growth of seedlings.
These products are used in direct response to the covid-19 pandemic.
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