1, do not brush your teeth before going to bed Brushing your teeth before going to bed is more important than morning. It not only removes the deposits of the mouth, but also helps to protect your teeth. It also helps you sleep peacefully. Forty-three percent admitted that they occasionally forgot to brush their teeth before going to bed. Experts remind people that during sleep, saliva secretion will be greatly reduced, and these saliva are the main force to kill bacteria. Therefore, accidentally brushing your teeth at a time may cause oral bacteria to enter, and as a result, the risk of dental caries and periodontal disease is greatly increased. In addition, many studies have confirmed that the bacteria that cause periodontal disease also cause problems in your heart. 2, take a bath with clean water Get a warm bath (35°C-45°C) every night at night to relax your muscles and joints, speed your blood circulation, and help you fall asleep. According to the survey, nearly one-third of women do not bathe every day, but use water to flush. Experts point out that bathing can not be beaten, preferably based on your sweating situation. Bacteria that cause odor in the human body live on sweat, especially sweat from the armpits and groin. If you sweat a lot, the water will not wash clean, it will lead to bacteria retention, the longer you stay, the more people "smelly." 3, do not wash your hands with soap after going to the toilet Even children know that they need to wash their hands before going to bed, but are you really doing it? According to the survey, only 38% of people wash their hands with soap after going to the toilet, and 2% wash their hands for more than 10 seconds. Experts said that when you finish the toilet wipe, your hand is very close to the source of E. coli, which may cause bacterial infection. If you do not use soap, you can't completely remove the bacteria. Therefore, be sure to wash your hands with soap or liquid soap after you finish using the toilet, and rinse thoroughly with clean water. 4, underwear is not changed every day Women's underwear must be changed frequently, but surveys show that 52% of women do not change underwear every day. The microbiologist Dr. Charles Gba pointed out that wearing a pair of underwear will leave about 0.1 g of feces on one day, 10 million of viruses, 1 million bacteria, 1,000 parasites and 100 worms in one gram of feces. egg. These bacteria will adhere to your hands. If you rub your eyes and take something to eat without washing your hands, you will become infected with the disease. Weapons: Cleaning underwear notes 1. The most used special cleaning products, such as soap with bactericidal effect. 2. Underpants should not be mixed with other clothing to prevent bacterial cross-infection. 3. Use special pots, disease regularly with boiling water pots to sterilize. Do not mix washtubs between family members. 4. Wash underwear, avoid direct exposure. Should be dried in the shade, then placed in the sun disinfection. Otherwise, underpants tend to harden and deform. 5, food is lost and eaten More than 40% of women said they had eaten food that had just been picked up. There used to be a saying called the "five-second rule," which means that if food in the floor falls within five seconds, it is safe. Researchers point out that this statement can cause great misguidance to people. Experiments have shown that when food falls on the ground, it will be contaminated by bacteria for only two or three seconds. Therefore, all food dropped on the ground should be thrown into the trash immediately. Young mothers should pay special attention to this situation when teaching children. They should also set a good example, because children can imitate. 6, barefoot fitness The survey found that 32% of them are bare-footed, especially when they dance aerobics or belly dancing. Experts suggest that it is best to wear a pair of lightweight shoes. Because the feet sweat a lot during fitness, the moist environment is most conducive to the growth of bacteria. These bacteria will be left on the floor of others' feet. When you step on your feet, you may be infected with the ankle (commonly known as "the feet of Hong Kong") or疣 (a plantar 疣).
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