The current direction of the medical imaging market is to provide patients with more comfortable and safe solutions. According to the recently released Frost & Sullivan report, the current trends in medical imaging have the following: Reduce and manage ionizing radiation doses and exposures; · Mobile, portable, wireless solutions; · Elastographic imaging techniques for assessing tissue stiffness; · Dedicated to developing technologies that improve patient comfort and experience; · Entry level advanced imaging equipment. Ultrasound can achieve all of the above features. However, in order for ultrasound examination to be more widely used and user-friendly, image quality must be improved. With better image quality, faster, more accurate diagnostics can be performed without compromising patient safety and comfort. Ultrasound equipment can be used for all types of examinations, whether obstetric and gynecological imaging, or cardiac or radiological imaging. As ultrasound systems become more advanced and complete, users are becoming more professional and skilled in using these systems. The miniaturization of ultrasound equipment helps to expand the range of bedside applications, especially when clinicians use ultrasound equipment to diagnose at the bedside. Because ultrasound requires more practical and specialized operations by the user than other methods of examination, experience is essential in ultrasound. If the doctor is unable to obtain the image required for the diagnosis, the patient will be transferred for additional MRI or CT examination. This not only wastes time and resources, but also exposes patients to unnecessary radiation doses during CT examinations, causing safety problems. Ultrasound technology development roadmap With the continued development of this trend and the expansion of the ultrasound market in new applications, new methods of ultrasound use are emerging. Ultrasound technology can now be used in cardiology, breast biopsy, gastroenterology, head and neck surgery, neonatal, neurology, ophthalmology, vascular, pulmonary disease, urology, musculoskeletal, emergency, and Other areas. Lactobacillus Fermentum,Fermentum Lactobacillus,Lactobacillus Fermentum Powder,Lactobacillus Fermentum Probiotic Jiangsu Biodep Biotechnology Co. ,Ltd. ,