Four types of dairy products that make teeth stronger They are the best source of calcium and phosphorus we need, the main mineral material for dental enamel and root support bone. The mineralization of milk teeth began in the fourth month of pregnancy, and the mineralization of stone teeth began in the first year of birth. After the tooth is created, the enamel is renewed and maintained. We should drink milk, it is best not to drink sweet drinks. Dairy products (yoghurt, etc.) also bring calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, which will increase the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Finally, casein, the main protein in milk, can limit excessive discharge of mineral salts from tooth enamel. In the past, people practiced it very well: they usually eat cheese after eating desserts, and use the restriction of casein and lipids in milk to reduce the acid excreted from carbohydrates. Mineral water, a natural source of fluoride Natural mineral water meets the human body's demand for fluoride. Fluoride can increase the enamel of the teeth, strengthen the teeth and protect the teeth from microbial attack. Most mineral waters contain 0.3 milligrams of fluorine per liter, but others contain up to 8 milligrams per liter. We can also see fluoride salts on the table. For pregnant women and children, there are tablets made with fluorine (0.5 mg to 1 mg based on age). There is also fluoride in tea, sea fish and some vegetables (spinach, red radish, etc.). However, excessive intake of fluoride (more than 2 mg daily) may darken teeth. Make good use of chocolate and sugarless chewing gum In fact, cocoa contains tannic acid, fluorine and calcium phosphate. All three substances participate in the work of protecting the teeth. In "sugar-free" chewing gums, sucrose is replaced by a sweet polyol, but it does not lead to dental caries: xylitol acts as a bactericidal, helps to reduce plaque, and sorbitol (synthesis from glucose or fructose The sugar is used as an artificial sweet flavoring agent. So a 2.2 g icing gum contains only 3.8 calories. Water Quality Test Equipment,Portable Turbidity Meter,Small Portable Turbidity Meter,Desktop Digital Ph Meters CHANGZHOU RICHGENIUS MEDLAB CO.,LTD ,