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Installation and control of light bulbs in egg house
The general requirements for installing light bulbs in a chicken house are small wattage, many bulbs, and short lamp distances to achieve uniform light. To illuminate the water trough, the bulb should be placed in the walkway between the two rows of cages with a distance of 3 meters. If more than two rows of bulbs are installed, each row of bulbs should be arranged crosswise to allow the ground to obtain more uniform light. Lamp height of 2 ~ 2.4 meters is appropriate, the incandescent light bulb is better, the lamp head should be set on the shade, so that the concentrated light down, as far as possible so that the light does not directly reach the upper cage. The 1 square meter area is equipped with 2.7 watts, providing about 10 lux of light. In multi-layer caged egg-raising houses, to take into account the illumination of the lower cage, it should reach 3.5 watts per square meter. The chicks within 1 to 2 weeks of age have poor eyesight, and the light intensity is required to be 10 to 20 lux, 5 lux during the breeding period and 10 lux during the laying period. This is easy to do under flat-knit conditions, but under cage conditions, especially overlapping and stepped cages, it is difficult to achieve consistent light intensity because there is a large gap between the upper and lower cages. The intensity of light can be measured with an illuminometer, but it is not common in farms and farmers. Therefore, the formula I=kW/H2 can be easily calculated. Where I is the light intensity (lux), k = 0.9 (constant), W is the incandescent bulb wattage used for artificial lighting, and H is the distance from the bulb to the bird (meters). According to this formula, the light intensity obtained by chickens in various parts of the house can be measured. The intensity of light can be adjusted by changing the wattage or number of bulbs.