A medium-sized cob of corn provides more than 10% of our daily dietary fibre requirements.
Fibre is fermented by bacteria in the colon. Promising studies are underway to determine the health-promoting effects of fibre fermentation breakdown products, for example, short-chain fatty acids, which may help to maintain a healthy gut.
Yellow Sweet Corn,Double Packed Sweet Corn,Double Packed Sweet Corn Cob,Double Packed Yellow Sweet Corn Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. , https://www.nongsaocorns.com
There are two types of dietary fibre - soluble and insoluble - and sweet corn contains both.
According to the American Heart Association, dietary fibre as part of an overall healthy diet can help lower blood cholesterol levels and may reduce the risk of heart disease. It is insoluble fibre that binds to cholesterol, preventing it from being absorbed into the bloodstream.
Insoluble fibre is responsible for promoting regularity and helping to prevent constipation by speeding up the passage of food and waste through the intestines and absorbing water to keep stools soft. Insoluble fibre has been shown to reduce the risk of haemorrhoids.
Fibre-containing foods such as sweetcorn also help to provide a sense of satiety and may therefore help to suppress appetite and aid weight management.
Dietary fibre has also been linked to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. A diet rich in fibre helps patients manage their disease.
Parasitic disease in sheep - pulmonary filariasis
1. Pathogens The pathogen of this disease is lung filarial, and lung filarial is divided into two types: large-sized lung filarial (filarial reticulata) and small-sized pulmonary filarial (original round nematode). Adults of large-scale Pneumocystis parasitize in the trachea and bronchi of the sheep and contain eggs or hatched larvae of the larvae, which are spit out with the crevasse, or excreted through the feces after swallowing. Larvae can live freely in water and feces, and invade larvae in 6-7 days, enter the bloodstream from the digestive tract, and then reach the lungs through blood circulation. The disease is most susceptible to infection in low-humidity pastures and rainy seasons. Females of the small lungworm larvae lay their eggs in the lungs. The larvae go from the trachea to the mouth after hatching from the eggs, enter the digestive tract with the sputum or swallow, then discharge with the feces, and the larvae penetrate into the snails or fresh water snails. After a period of development, it is drilled out of the snail body and eats with the sheep and enters the digestive tract of the sheep, and then enters the lungs through the blood circulation. 2. Symptoms The disease begins with a strong dry cough, and then gradually becomes a weak cough, sometimes coughing sputum containing eggs and larvae. Afterwards, her breathing gradually becomes difficult and she gradually loses weight. Eventually she often develops pneumonia. The body temperature rises, the mucous membranes pale, the skin loses its elasticity, and the coat is dry. If she is not treated promptly, her mortality is high. 3. Prevention (1) Grazing is not possible in low-lying and wet areas, and no stagnant water is allowed. Treat feces and kill larvae. And do regular insecticide. (2) Treating large-scale lungworms with iodine solution and tracheal injection. Iodine tablets 1 g, potassium iodide 1.5 g, distilled water 1500 ml, boiled and sterilized and cooled to 20-30C for tracheal injection. Dosage: 8 ml of lamb, 10 ml of young sheep, 13 ml of adult sheep, and one injection. (3) Sodium salicylate solution tracheal injection method for the treatment of small lungworm. Sodium salicylate 5 grams plus distilled water 100 ml, after disinfection into the trachea. Adult sheep 20 ml, young sheep 10-15 ml, one injection. (4) Treatment with tetrazole. Oral administration of 7-25 mg/kg of body weight or intramuscular injection. (5) phenylpropimidazole treatment. Take 10-15 mg/kg body weight, disposable orally or as an injection, intramuscularly. China Agricultural Network Editor