Kidney stones can not eat what 4 types of food must not touch


In patients with kidney stones, calcium is controlled because of the calcium component of the stones. Kidney stones should eat less or eat oxalate-rich foods. Also avoid alcohol, caffeine, tea, chocolate, dried figs, lamb, green peppers, black tea, etc. This disease affects the health of many of us. If kidney stones are not treated promptly, they will still cause multiple complications. Therefore, there are many things that patients with kidney stones do not touch. Here we come together to understand It!

Kidney stones can not eat anything

Oxalic acid food

About 60% of stones are calcium oxalate stones. Therefore, foods rich in oxalic acid should be taken in limited amounts. There are many foods rich in oxalic acid in life, such as spinach, celery, Chinese white wolfberry, lettuce, etc. These foods are undoubtedly life-threatening for patients with kidney stones, and patients must be careful to eat in normal life. In addition, try not to eat beets, celery, green peppers, parsley and other foods, this type of food will also lead to increased kidney stone disease.

Taboo fruit

Patients with kidney stones should note that not all fruits are suitable for consumption. Kidney stones cannot eat fruits and dried fruits rich in oxalate such as litchi, longan, mango, durian and wood pineapple, grapes, dried figs, and stone fruits. , will increase the symptoms of stones. Apples and other acidic fruits can be eaten in moderation, but not too much.


Avoid alcohol

In addition, patients should pay attention to drinking as little as possible in their daily life. Excessive drinking can easily induce kidney stones. Moreover, drinking alcohol interferes with a series of metabolism in the body and interferes with the pH of the internal environment and increases the incidence of stones. Therefore, alcohol is also one of the foods that kidney stones cannot eat.

Avoid food

Kidney stones should also pay attention to eat less during the treatment period, such as beef, mutton and other foods, such foods contain a large number of proteins is also detrimental to the health of patients. In addition, it should also limit the intake of other meat, especially some animal organs should pay attention to eat less, so as not to cause the burden on the kidneys. Patients with various types of kidney stones should avoid drinking and eating high-fat foods and hair.


Kidney stones eat what fruit is good


Watermelon is a kidney health food because it can dissolve kidney stones. A good way to clean the colon and kidneys is to eat them all day and eat only watermelons. Watermelon is a natural diuretic. Eat watermelon regularly and eat it alone. Do not use it with other foods. Watermelon has a clear body effect, but do not eat it with other foods.


Pear juice contains more than 80% of the water, often forgetting the elderly who drink water, drinking pear juice can achieve the purpose of adding water. Pear is rich in glucose, fruit acids, iron and other trace elements, dietary fiber and vitamins A, B, C, etc., with thirst, cough and phlegm, heat and reduce fire, nourishing myogenic, lungs to dry, etc. Functional, most suitable for patients with fever and internal heat.



Melon sweet, cold, with heat Jieshu, diuretic effect, for hot junction bladder, urinary unfavorable disease, beneficial to kidney stones.


Plum contains a variety of nutrients, can promote gastrointestinal motility, diuretic swelling, beneficial to kidney stones.

Kidney stones therapeutic method

Hang pumpkin vines soaked in water to drain stones

Take 100 grams of cranberry cranberry (fresh double), wash and chop, put into a thermos, soak with boiling water, when the tea is drinking.

Chicken yellow skin and other urinary tract stones

Take chicken yellow skin 50 grams, 40 grams of money grass, add 1000 milliliters of water, fry to 500 milliliters, filter out. Another amount of walnuts was taken, fried in crisps with oil, mixed with sugar and ground to make the emulsion, and the emulsion was used to blunt the emulsion within one day. Continuous medication until the stone disappears.

Wumei walnut can prevent urinary system stones

Eat 5 ebony, or 100 grams of raw walnuts, and drink plenty of water every day to prevent the formation of phosphate stones.

Coffee, tea and other beverages can prevent kidney stones

A person drinks 0.5 pounds of water a day and suffers from a 4% reduction in the risk of kidney and bladder stones. He drinks the same amount of coffee, tea, beer, wine and other beverages every day. The risk of developing kidney stones decreases by 10%, 14% and 21% respectively. And 39%. Therefore, proper drink every day can effectively prevent kidney stones.

Shaanxi Kang New Pharmaceutical co., Ltd. ,