Archiact explores the possibilities of combining VR technology with healthcare


2016 is a year of virtual reality development. Goldman Sachs released a report saying that VR and AR have the ability to develop an industry with annual revenues of tens of billions of dollars and become a new generation computing platform. At present, VR and AR technologies are more used in entertainment fields such as games and movies, but in fact, it has begun to seam with many traditional industries, such as the medical field closely related to people's health.

"Game and film are driving the development of VR (virtual reality) technology, but healthcare will be the largest market for VR," said Walter Greenleaf, director of the Stanford VR Medical Institute, in a public speech.

So, what are the current performances of VR in the medical field?

First of all, VR can perfectly deceive your vision and hearing, so it can give medical workers a 100% sense of presence, breaking the time and space constraints for medical training and telemedicine .

For example, use VR to simulate surgery. VR allows students to simulate scalpels, surgical scissors, suture needles and other common surgical instruments through external handles or force feedback devices, and immersively simulate the three-dimensional model. This will greatly reduce the cost of practice for medical workers before the clinic!

Archiact explores the possibilities of combining VR technology with healthcare

For another example, VR simulates the human body structure. VR enables medical workers to familiarize themselves with human structures and anatomy efficiently and cost-effectively through realistic modeling and fully immersive teaching scenarios.

For example, the use of VR technology in telemedicine will allow various physiological parameters of patients in the field to be directly reflected on the virtual patient, so that they can be visually displayed in front of medical experts far away from the north and even abroad, and experts can make timely Conclusion, and give the corresponding treatment measures.

In addition, telesurgery is an important part of telemedicine. At the time of surgery, the doctor can wear a head-up, operate on a virtual patient, and at the same time control the movement of the robot that performs surgery on the actual patient at a distance.

In addition to bringing convenience to medical workers, VR is the gospel of patients.

VR technology is especially suitable for the treatment of mental illness, by simulating the situation, triggering anxiety symptoms, thereby repeatedly guiding and reducing fear avoidance behavior, and finally improving the mental state of the patient. As long as the patient is willing to enter the VR virtual scene set by the doctor and get immersed, VR is likely to successfully solve the patient's physical and mental problems.

Gynecologic Examination