Johnson & Johnson's prescription drug business sales revenue increased by 7.4% compared with the same period in 2015. In the case of stagnant growth of psychotropic drugs and a sharp shrinkage of hepatitis C drugs, Johnson & Johnson's excellent results were mainly due to the strong growth of immunological drugs and oncology drugs. Stelara's current indications include plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and sales of 2016H1 have increased by an impressive 37.5%, not being accepted by Novartis IL-17A mAb Cosentyx (secukinumab) The impact of the big sale, but Lilly Taltz (ixekizumab) was approved on March 22 this year, also joined the army to seize the market share of psoriasis drugs. Sales of Olysio (simeprevir) continued to plummet. In 2015, there were still 621 million US dollars. In the first half of this year, only $75 million was left. Therefore, Olysio is the second most serious drug in hepatitis C in history. It may repeat the mistake of Incivek's withdrawal. This is no joke. Imbruvica (Ibrutinib) is undoubtedly the most dependable growth driver for Johnson & Johnson in 2016. Compared with the same period of 2015, the 105% increase may make Johnson and Johnson regret that Pharmacyclics should not be handed over to AbbVie. Xarelto (Rivabanban) is also a Johnson & Johnson printing machine, earning money in a low-key way. Invokana/Invokamet (Cagegli) regained its growth momentum in the second quarter of this year after a brief downturn in the first quarter. Evidence of cardiovascular benefit has been written into the drug label of Engleet, which belongs to the same SGLT-2 inhibitor. Everyone is also looking forward to Cagliflozin. Light Color Pieces Walnuts Kernels Light Color Pieces Walnuts Kernels,Walnut Kernels Light Quarters,Natural Walnut Kernels Light Amber,Walnut Kernels Light Amber Weishan Yuanxing Walnuts Co.,Ltd. ,