Release date: 2015-10-23 The combination of 3D printing and so many application scenarios is dazzling. Recently, 3D Systems and Dr. Carrie Stern reached a preliminary cooperation intention in the New York startup "MirrorMe3D". Both parties hope that this cooperation will help create a better surgical plastic surgery experience and the overall effect of plastic surgery. If you are as fascinated by the cosmetic culture and the perfect appearance of humanity, it makes sense for entrepreneurs to enter 3D printing to show a 3D model that is almost completely close to the new face. I am still worried that the nasal surgery that I was trying to do before will not achieve the desired results. Don't worry, the cooperation between MirrorMe3D and 3D operating system companies is to eliminate the worries of plastic customers who are worried about the unrecognizable after the veil. MirrorMe3D will use 3D printing for pre- and post-operative simulations of specific customer models. Obviously, seeing change before everything actually happens will be a great comfort. Imagine that it was convenient to have everything in the 3D printing model before the customer performed the surgery. This is another advantage of 3D model medical care, just like all other surgical advantages. This unique surgical approach is known to doctors who are familiar with common cosmetic procedures as "game changers" or a "mode transition." Dr. Glenn Jelks, MD, of the NYU Medical Center, said the collaboration between MirrorMe3D and the 3D operating system is a new "model shift." In fact, you have a printed card that tells you the volume of the tissue, whether it is bone, soft tissue or fat injection needs to be rebuilt. Therefore, cosmetic surgery combined with 3D printing brings a new model, it seems that 3D technology company is a qualified guide for the new paradigm change. The 3D system is working closely with biomedical engineers in its medical facilities in Colorado. They use the latest free software Geomagic Studio and Geomagic to help prepare the model for printing, using the 3D system "projet660 color printer" to print out the model and then process it. “Mirrorme3d is the perfect example of medical people combining 3D software tools with 3D printing technology to enhance their services and provide more personalized service,†said Kevin, chief operating officer of healthcare company mcalea. Source: Arterial Network enous catheter set,central venous catheter price,central venous catheter kit,central venous catheter triple lumen Anesthesia Medical Co., Ltd. ,