Mouse (ADH/VP/AVP) ELISA Kit Instructions for Use


Product Name: Mouse (ADH / VP / AVP) ELISA kit technology principle
English name: Mouse antidiuretic hormone/vasopressin/argininevasopressin, ADH/VP/AVP ELISA Kit
Product No:QY-SZ2741
Product traits: liquid
Product use: dedicated to scientific research
Product specifications: 96T/48T
Customer Service Phone: 021-51867124 QQ Email

Self-contained materials
Distilled water.
Sampler: 5ul, 10ul, 50ul, 100ul, 200, 500ul, 1000ul.
Oscillators and magnetic stirrers, etc.

Avoid direct contact with the stop solution and substrates A, B. Once exposed to these liquids, rinse with water as soon as possible.
Do not eat, drink, smoke or use cosmetics during the experiment.
Do not use your mouth to take any ingredients from the kit.

Operational precautions
Reagents should be stored according to the label instructions and returned to room temperature before use. Standards after dilution should be discarded and cannot be stored.
The slats not used in the experiment should be immediately put back into the bag and sealed to prevent deterioration.
Other reagents not used should be packaged or covered. Do not mix reagents of different batches. Use before warranty.
Use a disposable tip to avoid cross-contamination. Avoid pipettes with metal parts when drawing stop solution and substrate A and B.
Use a clean plastic container to configure the wash solution. Mix all the ingredients and samples in the kit thoroughly before use.
Wash the enzyme plate should be fully patted dry, do not put the absorbent paper directly into the enzyme standard reaction well to absorb water.
Substrate A should be volatilized to avoid opening the lid for extended periods of time. The human heat shock protein-70 ELISA assay kit substrate B is sensitive to light and avoids prolonged exposure to light. Avoid contact with hands and be toxic. The OD value should be read immediately after the experiment is completed.
The order of addition of reagents should be consistent to ensure that all wells are incubated for the same time.
The incubation was carried out according to the time indicated in the instructions, the amount of addition and the order.

Sample collection, processing and storage methods
Serum ---- Avoid any cell irritation during the procedure. Use tubes without pyrogens and endotoxins. After collecting the blood, the serum and red blood cells were quickly and carefully separated by centrifugation at 1000 x g for 10 minutes.
Plasma-----EDTA, citrate, heparin plasma can be used for detection. The pellet was removed by centrifugation at 1000 x g for 30 minutes.
The cell supernatant - 1000 x g was centrifuged for 10 minutes to remove particles and polymer.
Storage ------If the sample is not used immediately, it should be stored in small portions at -70 °C to avoid repeated freezing. Do not use hemolysis or hyperlipemia as much as possible. If there are large amounts of particles in the serum, centrifuge or filter before testing. Do not heat thaw at 37 ° C or higher. It should be thawed at room temperature and ensure that the sample is fully thawed evenly.

Reagent preparation
Standard: The serial dilution of the standard should be prepared during the experiment and cannot be stored. Mix the standard shakes before dilution.
Dilution of wash buffer (50 x): 50-fold dilution of distilled water.

Our products are provided with instructions, free of charge, other related products:
If the experimental results are not satisfactory, please contact customer service or technical support in time, we can help you analyze the experimental results together.
If it is not possible to judge by experimental data only, you can send the kit back to us for post-sale testing.
If it is the quality of the kit itself, you can return it for you;
If it is a problem with the experimental operation, the technician can give you some suggestions for improvement.

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Shanghai Rocatti Biotechnology Co.,Ltd ,