Release date: 2015-07-27 Gene (DNA) detection, this year's fire in China can not be fired again, it can use the peripheral blood test of pregnant women to diagnose the health of the fetus, or can use the pathological tissue of the tumor patients to carry out drug concomitant diagnosis, and even through diagnosis To edit the relevant genes to order the baby... The above introduction may seem too "high", then the question is, whether genetic testing has some more intimate uses. Indeed, in the United States on the east coast of the Pacific and in the United Kingdom, there are already products suitable for ordinary people. Since last year, more and more avant-garde people have packaged their saliva samples to 23andMe in the United States. For a test fee of $99, they can “seek the roots and ask the ancestors†and learn the genetic information related to their own genes. Genetic testing, accidentally harvesting more than 100 relatives of four generations Xiaolong, a friend of the author's circle, recently registered a test application on 23andMe out of curiosity. In less than a week, he received a test tube box, instruction manual, and biohazard bag from the merchant. , saliva collection tube 4 pieces to assist in sampling. With the help of many small partners, Xiao Sun experienced more than 2 hours of “working timeâ€, finally took the sample (own saliva) and delivered it through international logistics. More than a month later, Xiao Sun received a test report from the other side of the ocean. Of course, some of the biological terminology is skipped here. In layman's terms, the biggest achievement is that Xiaosun learned from the report that he has more than 100 four-generation cousins ​​(4th cousin). What is this concept? It is equivalent to his grandfather/grandfather's grandson/grandson. ... At the end of the report, it is also indicated that if you want to contact, users can enter the company's website to send messages to distant relatives. The British Empire has quietly emerged to customize its own skin care products through genetic testing. As a young woman, skin care products are a necessity in our daily lives. Do you often find that the same skin care products play a significant role in some people - they become goddess when they sleep for a night, and they don't work for others - wrinkles can't stop, even in some people Side effects - face acne and acne. Collagen is a structural protein that keeps the skin plump and soft, resists oxidation and protects the skin from damage. Most people break down collagen at an average rate, but some people consume more quickly, while others consume almost nothing, depending on the variation in the gene encoding the protein. Those who have a good complexion in their 60s are people whose collagen is slowly decomposing. Most modern creams and whey are “universalâ€, which makes many people's skin “malnutrition†or “nutrition excessâ€. Every time a mall or some electronic malls offer discounts and promotions, Amy's ladies will hoard a lot of skin care products, but they don't know which ones are really suitable for their skin. This is because in the skin care field, the amount of drugs or active ingredients contained in skin care products is not as good as possible. Some beneficial ingredients are not necessarily what your skin really needs. The latest research shows: skin is not good? Skin care products are not good? It may be related to your DNA. For example, your MMP1 gene makes collagen loss slow. When you use a lot of skin care products that claim to enhance skin vitality, you can't make you rejuvenate. It may even clog your pores or cause other damage, which is a waste of time and money. There is good news in the genetics world, a skin care product developed by GeneU (gene and you combination) in the UK will become the "gospel" of many beauty lovers. The company has developed a genetic test that can be completed in 30 minutes, focusing on two genetic variants: one that indicates the rate of degradation of the body's collagen; the other that indicates the degree of antioxidant protection. Scientists then enter the results of the test with a short lifestyle questionnaire into a program that will find the two whey that are best suited for the skin in the company's 18 whey (the ingredients and concentrates of the formula come from peers) In the survey, this test for specific gene variants accurately shows the body's collagen metabolism rate. The above test and the two-week dose of whey cost about £600 (about $5837.6). For confidentiality, the test results will be destroyed and only the two recommended wheys will be retained. At present, double-blind clinical trials of the product abroad have shown that it can reduce up to 30% of fine lines and wrinkles within 12 weeks. Scientists finally added that skin care products developed through genetic testing are not just the power of whey, but the role of science. The anti-aging whey produced by the individual's genetic information, supplemented with the appropriate amount of collagen and antioxidants according to the skin needs, is the "scientific source" for reducing the appearance of wrinkles. With the popularization of genetic testing technology, more and more women will be interested in their own DNA testing. They will understand and recognize their physical attributes through modern genetics, and then personally order skin care products to keep them young. One of the best means of stationing. Source: Bio-Exploration Ready-to-eat Double Packed Sweet Corn
In this category is sweet corn from Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co.
The physical characteristics of maize consist of grain colour, grain shape, seed coat lustre, grain length, grain width, 100 grain weight, grain diameter, uniformity of the seed and hardness. In most cases, the colour of the endosperm of mature maize kernels is yellow or white, while the seed coat and paste layer are colourless and transparent. Depending on the colour of the kernels, there are three types of maize: yellow, white and mixed. Depending on the kernel form, hardness and different uses, maize is divided into two types: common maize (hard, intermediate, horse-tooth, hard-horse, horse-hard) and special maize (high-lysine maize, high-oil maize, sweet maize, cracked maize, glutinous maize).
The sweet corn of Jilin Province Agricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. belongs to the special corn category of yellow corn.
Also known as fruit corn. The leaves on the outside are light green (only the ears are in the pack, we have removed the leaves for you) and the kernels inside are white or yellow. Sweeter than regular sweet corn, but lower in starch and rich in vitamin E and fibre, which is anti-ageing and aids digestion. Perfect for eating raw, mixed with vegetables in salads; it can also be steamed, but don't cook it for too long, about 5 minutes.
If you have any questions, please contact us directly. If you have any questions, please email us directly.
Delectable Sweet Corn Cob,Microwave Sweet Corn Cob,Country Sweet Corn,Ready To Eat Sweet Corn Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. ,