Quickly eat quail meat week diet recipes


Reasonable weight loss recipes have such characteristics: they are easy to eat, full of satiety, and do not feel very hungry after eating; foods are of various species, mainly vegetarian but with meat and vegetables, adequate protein; large foods, adequate water, high meals Fibers contain very low calories. Today is to introduce seven days a week diet recipes.

Seven days a week diet recipes: the first day

Cabbage slimming soup

Breakfast: low-fat fresh milk, small apples, whole wheat cheese sandwiches

Chinese food: germ rice, mushroom tofu, spinach beef, coriander radish soup

Dinner: tomato macaroni, cabbage slimming soup


Seven days a week diet recipes: the next day

Yogurt Fruit Salad

Breakfast: stone fruit oatmeal, yogurt fruit salad

Chinese food: vegetarian dumplings, assorted egg soup

Dinner: four-color fried rice, loofah fat thin soup




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