The performance of mineral deficiency in cattle and sheep


1. Calcium and Phosphorus: Calcium and phosphorus are the most abundant minerals in cattle and sheep, and they are important components of bones and teeth. Calcium is an important component of cell and tissue fluids and participates in blood coagulation, maintaining blood pH and normal function of muscles and nerves. Phosphorus is a constituent of phospholipids, nucleic acids, and phosphoproteins and participates in sugar metabolism and biooxidation processes, maintaining acid-base balance in the body. Inadequate or inadequate calcium and phosphorus diets, cattle and sheep showed slow growth, decreased productivity, poor appetite, eclampsia, young animals suffering from rickets, adult animal osteomalacia or osteoporosis.

2. Sodium and chlorine (salt): Sodium and chlorine are components of gastric juice, which are related to digestive function; both maintain the osmotic pressure and acid-base balance of body fluids. Lack of sodium and chlorine, cattle and sheep showed decreased appetite, slow growth, weight loss, rough skin, reduced reproductive function, low feed utilization rate, decreased productivity, the emergence of heterophilia. Generally, each sheep should supply 5 to 15 grams of salt per day.

3. Magnesium: 60-70% of magnesium is present in bones and is essential for normal bone development. Magnesium is associated with a variety of enzyme activities and is an activator of them. It plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats; direct participation The composition of the enzyme regulates neuromuscular excitability. In the absence of magnesium, cattle and sheep showed impaired growth, excessive excitement, paralysis, anorexia, muscle twitching, and even coma.

4. Iron: Iron is an important component of hemoglobin and myoglobin and is a hematopoietic element. Iron, as a component of many enzymes, participates in intracellular biological oxidation processes. Iron has the role of preventing infections in the body. Iron deficiency in cattle and sheep is prone to anaemia, manifested as pale skin and mucous membranes, loss of appetite, slow growth, weight loss, weak disease resistance, and high mortality rate in severe cases.

5. Copper: Copper promotes the absorption of iron in the small intestine, catalyzes the formation of heme, or is a constituent or activator of many enzymes. Copper deficiency in cattle and sheep is prone to anemia, osteoporosis, myocardial fibrosis, etc.; it can also reduce reproductive performance.

6. Zinc: Zinc is involved in the enzyme composition in the body and participates in the metabolism of proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates, maintaining the normal growth of epithelial cells and wool. When cattle and sheep are deficient in zinc, they have slow growth, poor feed intake, poor appetite, impaired reproductive function (fetal malformation, stillbirth, commensal testicular dysplasia), inflammation of the nasal mucosa and oral mucosa, thick skin, coarse coat, and swollen limbs. Big.

7. Manganese: Manganese is involved in the formation of bones, the synthesis of sex hormones and certain enzymes. When cattle and sheep are deficient in manganese, feed intake decreases, feed utilization is low, growth and development are blocked, bone formation is impaired, walking and walking are difficult, and joints are painful and cannot be balanced.

8, iodine: iodine is an important component of thyroid hormones, almost all of the material metabolism. Maintains the body's thermal balance and regulates reproduction, growth, development, erythropoiesis, and blood circulation. Lack of iodine in cattle and sheep can lead to goiter, growth blocked, metabolic rate decline, reproductive performance affected. Iodine deficiency in pregnant mothers can lead to fetal death, and the survival rate of stillbirths or newborn fetuses is low.

9. Cobalt: Cobalt is mainly involved in the synthesis of vitamin B12, which is essential for the body's hematopoietic process and activates many enzymes, which are related to the metabolism of protein and carbohydrates. Cobalt deficiency can cause loss of appetite, anemia, emaciation, ecstasy, rough coat, decreased performance, and hepatic steatosis in cattle and sheep.

10. Selenium: Selenium is a component of glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme can prevent biofilm from being damaged; it has the effect of activating sulfur-containing amino groups and is necessary for the conversion of methionine to cysteine. The lack of selenium in cattle and sheep is mainly manifested as white muscle disease, which causes degeneration of skeletal muscles and myocardium, slow growth, and weight loss, resulting in infertility or stillbirth.

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