Introduction: In recent years, China's pharmaceutical machinery industry has made a very good development, but as a kind of pharmaceutical machinery, reactor industry also has been a good development, widely used in various industrial and daily life, has a broad Development space.     The reaction kettle is a kind of reaction equipment. It must be paid attention to during the operation. Otherwise, many damages will occur due to many reasons, resulting in unnecessary production stoppage. In the reactors used in the chemical industry, due to the corrosive nature of the medium, the reaction conditions, such as cold and heat, transportation, use, and man-made problems, there will always be such enamel layer damage, causing unnecessary production stoppage, such as large area falling off. It is recommended that you only return to the factory to re-enamel. In the future, China's reactor enterprises should rationally use thermal energy, select the best process conditions, strengthen insulation measures, improve heat transfer efficiency, minimize heat loss, and fully utilize the heat generated after waste heat or reaction. The application of heat pipe technology will be the direction of future development. In general, the reactor manufacturing process is complex, involving a wide range, and even related to national defense security. It is necessary to strictly operate the reaction kettle according to the rules and regulations. After the reactor is used, care should be taken to maintain it, so that the autoclave can have a better service life. (Source: China Chemical Instrument Network) phone Website: http:// Single Packed Yellow Waxy Corn Cob
For the most common waxy and sweet corn on the market, waxy corn has a higher nutrient content than regular corn, containing 70-75% starch (and almost all straight-chain starch), more than 10% protein, 4-5% fat and 2% multivitamins, with more grains, VA, VB1 and VB2 in protein than rice, with the highest fat and VB2 content. Yellow maize also contains carotenoids, such as rice and wheat. The molecular weight of waxy maize starch is more than 10 times smaller than that of ordinary maize, and the starch makes glutinous rice sticky and soft, softer than ordinary hard maize. It is more than 20% more digestible to eat than regular maize and it is suitable for people with less than perfect teeth. At the same time, it is not suitable for diabetics because of the very high content of straight-chain starch (a polysaccharide).
Waxy maize is also known as sticky maize. The grain has coarse, waxy endosperm, similar to shiny, glassy (clear) grains such as hard and dent maize. Its chemical and physical characteristics are controlled by a recessive gene, which is located on chromosome 9. 100% of the starch in the endosperm is straight-chain starch.
If you have any further questions about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. Waxy Corn Cob,Yellow Glutinous Corn,Yellow Waxy Corn Cob,Single Packed Yellow Waxy Corn Cob Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. ,
It is understood that the reaction vessel is widely used in petroleum, chemical, rubber, pesticide, dye, medicine, food, pressure vessels for the process of vulcanization, nitration, hydrogenation, alkylation, polymerization, condensation, etc., according to different production processes, The operating conditions are not the same, the design structure and parameters of the reactor are different, that is, the structural style of the reactor is different, and it belongs to non-standard container equipment.