Maize straw microbial yellow storage technology


At present, corn stalks are used as roughage, and most dairy farmers are baling and stacking. The piled corn stalk itself still contains about 15% of water. If it is stored in the open air for a long time, the straw and yellow leaves will be mildewed and deteriorated. After the cows eat, they often have various diseases of the digestive tract, such as indigestion, diarrhea, and rumen flatulence. Etc. At the same time, the nutrient content that was originally not high was significantly reduced. The corn stover microbial yellow storage (micro storage) technology first solved the palatability of dairy cows, increased the intake of dairy cows by 20% to 40%, and was able to feed, and at the same time achieved the same level of quality as high-quality Leymus chinensis through micro-storage fermentation. . The feed rate of dairy cows increased by 40%, the nutritional content of corn stalks more than doubled, and the utilization rate increased from less than 50% to about 95%. There are three methods of micro-storage of corn stalks: Cellar storage Currently, the storage pits of our city are divided into underground and semi-underground; there are several types such as round and rectangular. The corn stalks were chopped (2 cm or so) using a silage machine (grass machine, crusher), and the kneader was processed into a strand-like shape; after placing 20-30 cm thick chopped material in the pit bottom, The microbiological agent (according to the instructions for use) is added with clean water basin and bucket to 30-35°C warm water and more than 10kg for even spraying. At the same time pay attention to adding water to the cuttings; about 110-120 kilograms per ton; hand tight, fingers with water but not suitable for drops. According to this method, the layers are compacted and the air is discharged. Especially, the corners must be practical. It is better to use a plastic film padding around. Until layered compaction to 40-50 cm above the ground. When cellaring, pay attention to the air between the plastic film and the broken stalks. Finally, put some wheat straw on the membrane and then pile it 30 cm. Sinking and cracking occurred in the fermentation process to continue to fill the earth. General micro-storage can be opened for about 30 days to access the cellar, take care to block the post, and reduce losses. If frozen pieces are to be retrieved in winter for thawing and warming, it may cause abortion of pregnant cows. The plastic bags are chopped, watered, and sprayed in the same period as the pit storage. They can be packed in the concrete and in the pool and then bagged. The plastic bag chooses a 0.9-1 mm thicker generation. Note that the corner seams are tight. When the bag is filled, the material is filled, compacted, and vented. When the bag is full, the air is discharged twice and the bag is vented repeatedly. . A bag can be used more than 2 times, as long as it does not leak. The above two methods are anaerobic fermentation, and the quality of the anaerobic fermentation is generally judged by naked eye observation, nose odor, and feel. The color of the high-quality micro-storage straw is basically darkened, and if the color is brown, the quality is poor. The high-quality micro-reservoir is acid-scented and has a mild sour taste. If the sourness is strong, it indicates that there are more fatty acids and the quality is poor. If there is mildew and spoilage, it cannot be fed. High-quality micro storage has a soft and moist feel. If the stickiness indicates poor quality, if the texture is rough and dry, it indicates that it is not fermented and is still a bad feed. Stacked aerobic fermentation Add chopped stalks to the appropriate amount of cornmeal or wheat bran. Stir the broth in warm water in a clean concrete place and in the pool. Stir thoroughly and evenly to the degree that the hand is not dripping. Compaction, smooth surface, covered with plastic film, compaction, drunk material broadcast into the thermometer, when the temperature rises to 35 °C, uncover the film stirring heat, and then compaction cover. The whole process takes 8-24 hours, and the temperature during the fermentation cannot exceed 40°C. In the process of micro-storage, microorganisms convert a large amount of wood fiber material into sugars in an appropriate anaerobic environment. The sugars are converted into lactic acid and volatile fatty acids by organic acid fermentation bacteria to reduce the acidity (pH) to 4.5. -5.0, inhibits the propagation of harmful bacteria such as butyric acid bacteria and spoilage bacteria. The digestive characteristics of ruminants such as cattle and sheep are through the catabolic process of rumen microbes, which degrades the polysaccharides in the fiber into single ponds and converts them into volatile fatty acids, which are the largest source of energy for ruminant livestock (about 60%-70%). The straw micro-feeds are similar to them, thereby improving the digestibility and absorption rate, solving the problem of inadequate energy supply for dairy cows, and eliminating most of the digestive tract diseases.

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