How Forensic Experts Collect Saliva from Crime Scenes


Saliva is a crucial piece of evidence in many criminal investigations. It can provide valuable information about the perpetrator, such as their identity, gender, and even recent activities. Forensic experts use specialized techniques to collect and analyze saliva samples from crime scenes to aid in solving cases.


What You Need for Saliva Collection

Before starting the collection process, it’s important to have the right tools. A standard saliva collection kit typically includes:

  • Sterile swabs
  • Collection tubes
  • Gloves
  • Evidence bags
  • Labels and documentation forms


Step-by-Step Guide to Saliva Collection from a Crime Scene

  • Step 1: Wear Protective Gear

    To prevent contamination, forensic investigators must wear protective gear, including gloves and masks. This ensures that no foreign DNA is introduced to the sample.

  • Step 2: Locate Potential Saliva Sources

    Identify areas where saliva might be present, such as drinking glasses, cigarette butts, envelopes, or bite marks. Visual inspection and alternative light sources can help spot dried saliva stains.

  • Step 3: Use a Saliva Collection Kit

    Open the saliva collection kit and prepare the sterile swab. Gently moisten the swab with sterile water if the saliva stain is dry. This helps lift the saliva from the surface.

  • Step 4: Swab the Saliva Sample

    Carefully swab the area with a single, gentle motion to collect as much saliva as possible. Avoid excessive pressure or scrubbing to prevent damaging the cells. Use a new swab for each sample to avoid cross-contamination.

  • Step 5: Secure the Sample

    Place the swab in the provided collection tube, ensuring it is properly sealed. Label the tube with relevant information such as the date, time, and location of collection. This helps maintain a clear chain of custody.

  • Step 6: Document and Store the Evidence

    Fill out all necessary documentation forms included in the saliva collection kit. Store the samples in a cool, dry place and transport them to the forensic laboratory as soon as possible for analysis.


Laboratory Analysis

Once in the lab, saliva samples undergo several processes:

  • DNA Extraction

    The DNA is extracted from the saliva sample using chemical processes. This involves breaking down the cells to release the DNA.

  • DNA Profiling

    The extracted DNA is then amplified using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to create a DNA profile. This profile can be compared to known samples to identify individuals.

  • Matching and Database Searches

    The DNA profile is compared against databases to find potential matches. This step is crucial in linking suspects to the crime scene or identifying unknown individuals.

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