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Occurrence and Control of Wheat Midge
English name: Red Wheat midge Yellow grain gall midge Chinese alias: Wheat aphid Latin scientific name: Wheat red midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana), wheat yellow midge (Contarinia tritici (Kinby) Distribution area: Almost all over the wheat production area Morphological characteristics: red and pulp Adults: body length 2-2.5mm, wingspan about 5mm, orange-red body. The antennae of males are 14 knots. Because each knot has 2 equal length knots, each loop has 1 loop of long loop hair, which looks like 26 knots. The female part of the hold has teeth with a fine section at the base and a narrow abdominal flap. The back flap is long and shallow at the front. The antennae of females are only 1 knot per node and the looped hair is extremely short. The ovipositor is not long. It does not exceed half the length of the abdomen when it is extended. There are two valves at the end. Eggs: about 0.320.08 mm in size, long oval, with no appendages at the ends. Larvae: 3-3.5mm long, orange-yellow, with scaly projections on the surface, "Y"-shaped flank bones on the ventral surface of the anterior chest, acute angles at the anterior end, and 4 projections at the distal end.蛹: The body is orange-red, and the hair on the front of the head is shorter. Yellow-sucking insects: Adult insects are similar to red midge insects. The main difference is that they are bright yellow. The males hold the base of the female. There are no teeth in the female. The female ovipositors are very long and extend as long as the body. Eggs: 0.250.068 mm in size with transparent ribbon-like appendage at the end, approximately equal to the length of the egg. Larvae: body length 2-2.5mm, yellow-green, bright yellow after entering the soil, smooth surface, arcuate lobes at the front of the sword blade, and 2 projections at the end of the distal segment.蛹: Fresh yellow male, 1 pair of hairs in front of the head is longer. Damage crops: wheat, barley, rye, goosegrass damage symptoms: both midge suck larvae in the glume inside the grouting grain juice, resulting in pods, empty shell. In the great year, the destruction of the whole field can be formed. No particles are received. Classification attributes: Diptera Meliidae Onset Characteristics: Both midge breeds occur one generation in a row, encountering dormant habits in the case of adverse environmental larvae for many years. The old mature larvae grow in the soil and cross over the winter and summer. In the Huanghuai valley in mid-March, the overwintering larvae rose to the soil surface. At this time, the wheat was mostly in the jointing stage, and in the middle and late April, there was a large amount of phlegm. The eclosion stage was from April to early May. After the emergence of adults, Value of wheat heading flowering period, followed by a large number of spawning. In the northwest region, the period of adulthood is mostly in the middle and early June. The developmental history of yellow mites in the same area was slightly earlier than that of wheat red midge. On the day of or after the adult emergence, mating and spawning occurs. The red midge insects will produce eggs between spikelets and spikelets that have not yet been flowered, one of 3 to 5 capsules and 3 to 5 days of egg period. Yellow-sucking midges are prolific in the inside and outside culms and their side-slices of newly emerged ear-breeding wheat strains, producing 5 to 6 grains at one place and 7 to 9 days at the egg stage. After the larvae hatch, they are transferred to the glume and attached to the ovary or the groats of the granules that have just been grouted. A total of 3 instar larvae have a duration of 1.5 to 20 days. After the mature larvae are harmed, they climb onto the glume and wheat awns, and fall on the soil surface with raindrops, dew or automatic bullets, and drill into the soil for 10 to 20 cm. Wintering. The occurrence of wheat midge is affected by many factors such as climate and variety. When the soil temperature is 10°C and 7°C, the larvae break the earthworms, 12~15°C phlegm, and 20~23°C emerged as adults. When the temperature rises above 30°C, the larvae will return to dormancy. The dry weather and low soil moisture are detrimental to spawning, emergence, and adult spawning. If the rain is abundant and the temperature is appropriate, it often causes the occurrence of midge. Small wheat awns, large gaps between spikelets, and incomplete closure of glumes and long flowering cultivars are particularly harmful to egg production. The occurrence period of adults was coincident with that of wheat at the heading and flowering stage, while the two stage dislocations were lighter. Soil pellets are well-structured, loose in soil, and strong in water retention. Popularity: The relationship between temperature and humidity occurs: Overwintering larvae break earthworms when the soil temperature reaches 10 degrees, and soil temperature reaches 15 degrees. When the temperature rises above 30 degrees, the larvae will return to dormancy and they will not be able to phlegm. Larvae die when temperatures reach 50 degrees. The larvae are not tolerant to high temperatures due to high temperatures, so the overwintering mortality rate is lower than the over-summer mortality rate. When the temperature conditions are met, such as the overwintering larvae break up and increase their activity, they must have sufficient moisture and humidity. During this period, the rate of rain (or irrigation) is high. When the humidity is high, not only the hatching rate of the egg is high, but also the newly hatched larvae have strong activity and are easily invaded by bite. Before and after the wheat blooms, there is more rain and humidity, and the insects are also seriously harmed. Occurrence and soil conditions: loam soil particles structure is good, soft soil, there is considerable water retention and water permeability, and the temperature change is small, the most suitable for the occurrence of wheat midge. Clay is not good for its life, and sand is less suitable for its life. Wheat red midge larvae prefer alkaline soil, wheat yellow sucker flukes prefer acidic soils. Control methods: 1. Agricultural control (1) Select wheat varieties with tight spikes, long and dense outer and outer fins, thick wheat skin, and efflux of serum. (2) Carry out rotations to avoid the source of insects. 2. Chemical pest control survey and prevention and control indicators (1) The larval density was investigated with scouring paddy soil. Select 1 to 2 blocks of representative wheat fields and randomly pick up 101,020 cm of small earthwork, 7 to 10, mix well, and take them. 1/7 ~ 1/10 soil samples are poured into the bucket, add water and stir. After the sedimentation, pour the slurry into the copper yarn screen, filter out the muddy water, remove the impurities on the sieve, and inspect the worm body left on the screen. To repeatedly wash, check the insect net. (2) In the early stage of wheat heading, a survey of adult trapping insects (the diameter of the trapping net mouth is 30 cm) was taken and walked along the wheat field. The net was repeated 10 times and the number of insects was recorded. When there are more than 5 insects per small earth on the average wheat field, it needs to be controlled. In the early stage of wheat heading, 10 to 25 adults were caught on average 10 times, and they need to be controlled immediately. The control period is appropriate in the mid-flood period, and adults are assisted in prevention and control. Use 50% phoxim EC 200 ml and add 5 kg of water. They were all sprayed on 20-25 kilograms of fine soil and mixed with poisonous soil. They were changed and put into the soil. Soil application should be promoted to eliminate midpigs before they are unearthed. Reduce the killing effect of parasitoids on larvae. Major natural enemies: Common agents: Phoxim 10% Dagongchen WP