Encourage hens to use more nests


In many places, laying ground eggs and scaffolding eggs in broiler houses has become a fairly common problem. Therefore, for the husbandry and management personnel, it is necessary to clarify the causes of ground eggs and scaffolding eggs and to find a solution to this problem. The way. Due to the current use of black-shelter houses in the rearing period of breeders, the mode of feeding has changed from the one-stage mode of “brooding-breeding-laying” to the two-stage mode of “brooding-breeding and transfer”. This means that the breeder is more specialized in the management of brooding and egg production, and this specialized management is more conducive to the management of breeders and the production performance.
Currently, broiler chickens are basically bred using male and female breeding. The mutual influence between male and female hens in laying hens has also become a factor affecting ground eggs and scaffolding eggs. The male-male ratio and sexual maturity of male and female chickens The condition will affect the use of nests by the hens. Most breeding companies recommend a ratio of 1:9. The mixed cocks should be of the same age as the hens, and their bodies should be suitable and better than the hens. In traditional 1/3-2/3 scaffolds, cockerels generally prefer to move in the litter area. If for some reason the cock is not mature enough, the body is poorer or the weight is less than the hen, the hen will be too fierce. It will also increase the ground eggs and scaffolding eggs, and the fertilization rate will also be affected. If the male and female chickens are in good condition, the rooster can also be a favorable factor to reduce the nesting of the hens on the ground litter.
Preparation of the house Before the chicken is introduced, various brooding facilities should be prepared. The brooding conditions of the house should be such that the chickens feel comfortable. Clean drinking water and fresh feed should be provided to ensure the survival of the chickens.
As with the various facilities in the brooding period, laying hen houses should also provide the most basic conditions to meet the chicken production needs. All equipment (ventilation, feeding systems, and drinking water systems) should be installed and in good condition. In general, feeding systems and drinking water systems should be installed on scaffolds. Male and female should be fed separately and should be fed in their own feeders. Artificial egg collection system should be properly installed. The automatic egg collection system should operate as soon as possible after the flock has been transferred to the production shed, so that the flock can better adapt to the noise emitted by the conveyor belt when the system is opened.
In the “brooding-breeding-laying” broiler house, the various facilities in the breeding period must be promptly converted to the facilities required during the laying period. All egg-laying equipment, especially nest boxes, must be prepared before the chickens lay eggs.
Feeding and Drinking Water If water restriction procedures are performed, water should be supplied at or before the morning light. Water should be supplied to the flock throughout the feeding process, and in most cases water should be supplied throughout the morning or during the most active period of flock production. Delaying the water supply will tend to cause the hens to walk out of the nests to look for drinking water. At this time, the hens may “incapacitate to lay eggs”.
Feeding should be carried out 30 minutes after turning on the lights and drinking water, usually the hens are fed a few minutes earlier than the roosters. If a day's feed needs to be dispensed in two batches, a second feed should be implemented as early as possible to ensure continuity of feed intake throughout the day. Two feedings should be avoided as far as possible, especially after the hens enter the nest box. Young hens are easily attracted by the sound of feeding, leaving the nest to satisfy their appetite, and the eggs are placed next to the feeder.
Most rooster feed systems are installed in the litter area in the middle of the house. After the roosters have finished eating, the cockerel drums should be raised as soon as possible to prevent the hens from laying eggs under the drums.
Bell-shaped drinking fountains should be maintained at a certain height, so that all chickens can only drink water, but at the same time should avoid becoming a potential nesting site. There is no such problem with the nipple drinking system.
Egg laying management It is important to have enough equipment and available ground when the flock enters the house. When entering a house, the flock cannot consider only the available floor area. If there are two houses, an automatic egg collection system is installed. The floor area is the same but the width of the house is different. Wider chicken houses (above 12 meters) increase the number of hens per nest, while narrower houses (below 12 meters) reduce the number of hens per nest. The length of the house becomes a constraint on the number of hens per egg-laying system in the automated egg collection system. The only way to avoid congested nests is to add extra nests and reduce the space between the nests. But this is not easy to do in a chicken house with a traditional nest box.
Some companies have been forced to increase the stocking density of chickens without increasing their equipment due to development reasons. This has also increased the number of hens in each nest to a very high level. Especially at the start of the flock and during the peak period of egg production, the production of eggs is concentrated, and the hens do not have enough nests to produce eggs on the scaffolds or on the ground looking for the production sites. This situation is particularly prone to happen in the morning when there is a high demand for nests. Before the peak of egg production, the vast majority of chickens will produce more than 80% of eggs throughout the day before 11:00 in the morning. At this time, the demand for nest boxes is very high, and during this time, the number of eggs for the shelves and ground eggs is also the highest.




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