Spring locusts need early treatment


The genus Aphididae is of the order Homoptera. Although the insects are small and harmful, they are important pests of various flowers in spring and summer. Living habits are exemplified by peach aphid, which occurs throughout the country. Occurrence occurs more than 20 generations per year, of which the spring is the most harmful, and the peach aphids use the eggs to overwinter in the gaps between the barks, shoots, buds and branches of peach trees. In early spring, the peach blossoms, and the wintering eggs of peach aphid also begin to hatch at this time. At the same time, parthenogenetic breeding begins. The nymphs accumulate on newly sprouted buds. From the end of March to the beginning of May, breeding began, especially in the spring when the temperature rose rapidly, and in the case of drought, the fastest breeding, the most serious harm. After several generations of continuous breeding, as the temperature rose sharply, winged beaks began to emerge and migrated to other hosts for harm. Until the beginning of November, he moved back to peach trees and laid winter eggs. Hazardous characteristics In early spring, when the peach buds sprout, the nymphs harm the buds that have just germinated. At this point, it can cause stagnant growth of shoots and, in severe cases, causes the shoots to dry out. After the new leaves of peach trees are spread, the adults and nymphs cluster on the backs and shoots of the leaves to harm, suck juice, and the wounded leaves are rewinded and shrunk to the back, affecting the photosynthesis of the leaves, weakening their functions, and adversely affecting the growth. At the same time, the leaves of the new shoots are all twisted into clusters and even fall off. This not only has a greater impact on the growth of trees in the current year, but also has an adverse effect on the differentiation of the flowers and trees. After the damage of ornamental flowers like Bitao, Shouxing Peach and Hongye Li, it seriously affected the ornamental value. In addition, due to the excrement of the locust is a sweet mucus, it is easy to attract ants, flies, etc., affect the surrounding clean and sanitary; next time the locust harm, but also infected with viral disease. Control methods 1. Protect natural enemies. Using natural enemies such as ladybugs, grasshoppers, dragonflies, and flies can eliminate a large number of aphids. 2. Remove weeds. Eradication of weeds in and around the flowerbeds in early spring can reduce host populations and reduce the density of foreign insects. 3. Chemical control. In the early spring, the overwintering eggs are hatched and hatched. Early spraying and early control can receive ideal results. The agents with better killing effect were: 20% cypermethrin EC 1500 times, 2.5% deltamethrin 2500 times, 50% phoxim EC 1000 times, and 21% antimony EC 3000 times . When the density of insect population is heavy, it can be controlled once every 5 to 10 days. The use of medicaments alternately produces better results.

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