The heart "band-aid" makes the damaged heart heal the wound


The heart "band-aid" makes the damaged heart heal the wound

February 19, 2019 Source: Chongqing Evening News

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What should I do if my heart is damaged? The heart "band-aid" developed by British cardiologists may solve this problem. The Imperial College website released a report yesterday that it teamed up with the British Heart Foundation to form a research group that uses human stem cells to make a sheet-like structure that can be "sticked" to the heart. This structure like “band-aid” not only provides structural support for damaged heart muscles, helps muscles beat more effectively, but also releases compounds to stimulate heart cell recovery and regeneration.

This heart “band-aid” works well in animal experiments, and researchers hope to begin preliminary human testing in two or three years. The raw material for the heart "band-aid" used in the experiment is a stem cell transformed with lung cells. Thomas Owen, who participated in the study, said that it is also possible to use skin cells to transform into cardiomyocytes to create "band-aid".

Researchers say it takes about three months to make a heart "band-aid" with the patient's own cells. They hope to develop a "universal" heart "band-aid" for different patients in the future, so that people can donate cells like blood donation, and build a "cell bank" like a blood bank. By then, doctors can use the heart at any time. “Band-Aid” treats patients. According to the researchers' estimates, this "ultimate goal" may be achieved in another 10 years.

2-Piece Ostomy pouch MDK-BO-02 100ML

1-Piece Ostomy Pouch

A one-piece colostomy bags, drainable pouching system designed to be opened at the bottom when emptying. These colostomy bag machine are most suitable for colostomies or ileostomies. Ostomy bag colostomy barrier is a standard wear skin barrier that is gentle to the skin and allows for frequent pouch removal. To close the pouch, use the curved, beige clamp. Soft, beige disposable colostomy bag pouch panels on body side help provide comfort.

The features are soft and flex,standard wear, skin barrier, flat. The Chassis made in 100% hydrocolloid No tape border. Cut-to-fit skin barrier. Ultra-clear odor-barrier pouch film. Curved, beige pouch clamp. With comfortable ware pouch panel body side only. Not made with natural rubber latex.

Ostomy urostomy colostomy bag care products consist of sodium carboxymethylcellulose, adhesives made from medical hot melt adhesives, and separator paper or separators. Nursing equipment for ileum, colon, rectum or urethral stoma,The coloplast colostomy bag comes into contact with intact skin and intestinal lumen,Non-sterile supply. Colostomy bag reusable for stoma washing, care and collection of excreta and skin care around the stoma.

Use disposable colostomy bag, make sure the skin around the stoma is clean and dry before use. Remove the bags for colostomi from the package and separator or paper. Reshape the coloplast colostomy bag into the desired shape and size to fit the skin around the stoma. Apply the colostomy convatec bag to the skin around the stoma,adjust the shape of the paste again,Gently press so that it is firmly flat on the skin. Attach the stoma colostomy bag undercarriage to the stoma. The colostomy bag care can be peeled off the skin, don`t reuse. These one-piece-colostomy bag or two-piece-colostomy-bag are non-sterile product and is valid for three years under the condition of meeting the storage conditions.

1-Piece Ostomy Pouch,One Piece Ostomy Bags,One Piece Ostomy Pouch,1 Piece Ostomy Bag

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