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How can we improve the quality of chestnut storage?
In general, the harvested chestnuts are to be insecticidal before they are stored. Usually the fruit is placed in an airtight, closed warehouse with an average thickness of about 70 centimeters and fumigated with bromoformamidine. Each cubic meter of space with 40 grams to 50 grams, smoked 3 hours to 10 hours, or 1.5 grams of sulfur dioxide per cubic meter of space, fumigation for 20 hours. What needs to be reminded is that some fruit growers often use dichlorvos, insecticide pairs, and other highly toxic pesticides to spray on chestnuts. People tend to poison when eating. This method is not desirable.
What methods are usually used when storing? There are mainly the following:
The first is the sand method. The method is to lay a layer of sorghum stalks or straw on the cool indoor floor, and then spread about 6 cm thick sandy soil. The humidity of the sand is crushed into groups by hand. Spread a layer of sand, put a layer of chestnut, each layer 4 cm to 6 cm, the total thickness of 50 cm to 60 cm, and then spread 6 cm to 7 cm of sand, then covered with straw. Every 15 days to 20 days, the inspection is turned once. Conditional sawdust or chaff can be used instead of sand.
The second method is a barbed shell storage method. The requirement is that the picked chestnuts should be dried, and the chestnuts that are full of color, fullness, and completeness should be selected, and the fruit must be stored in a cool, ventilated room. First, lay a layer of 10cm thick river sand on the dry ground, and then pile the chestnut on it, stack it out to a height of 1m, cover it with a layer of straw, and check it once a month to maintain even humidity.
The third method is the refrigeration method. The specific method is to use sacks or bamboo rafts to put on the chestnut. The inside of the bowl must be filled with waterproof paper, and then placed in a cold room, the temperature is controlled at 1 °C ~ 3 °C, and the relative humidity is maintained at 91% ~ 95%, preferably every other For 4 days to 5 days, water is sprayed on the outside of the sack to maintain the appropriate humidity.
The fourth method is the quick-freezing method. Using this method, we must first introduce a quick-freezing machine and quickly freeze the chestnuts after stripping. This is a relatively advanced preservation method that is currently used in places where conditions permit.
The fifth method is dry frying. This method is relatively simple. It is only necessary to dry the dried chestnut, dry it with a dryer, and fry until it can be cooked.
Chestnut antiseptic and several storage methods
Many growers know that although chestnuts are dried fruits, they are afraid of dryness, water, heat and cold. Some friends and fruit farmers who like to eat chestnut often say that chestnuts are not good to eat.