Egg feeding and brooding period


1. Drinking Water: Freshly hatched chicks should drink warm boiled water in a timely manner and cannot drink water to help them drink. Add 8% dextrose in water at the beginning of drinking, add antibiotics, multivitamin or electrolyte nutrient solution at the same time. The first 3 days of warm water drinking, 4-8 days of hot water gradually transitioned to 9 days drinking tap water. 2. Open food: The first day of eating a chick is called eating. After eating, start drinking after drinking, and when one third of the chickens start feeding, they are fed for the first time, starting once every 2 hours. 3. Temperature: Temperature is the key to the success or failure of brooding. In the first 3 days, the room temperature should be kept above 35°C, and then lowered by 0.5°C every day until it falls to 21°C. The temperature adjustment takes place at noon. For brown and medium-sized chickens, the growth rate of feathers is later than that of light-type layer chickens. The temperature requirements in the early period are slightly higher, and the temperature requirements for light-type chickens are the same. For chicken farms using multi-layer brooding cages, the temperature of the brooding cages on the upper and lower layers should be kept in balance during the incubation process, and local temperatures should be avoided too high or too low. 4. Humidity: The suitable humidity range for chicks is 70% for 0-10 days, 65% for 11-30 days, and 75% for 31-45 days. 5. Lighting system: The first three days of the implementation of a full light system, from the fourth day 23:00-0:00 off the light for 1 hour, then gradually reduced by 1 hour each day, until reduced to 12 hours. 6. Ventilation: In order to maintain fresh air in the room, it is necessary to handle the relationship between temperature and ventilation. In addition to the age and weight of the chicks, the ventilation and ventilation must be adjusted according to the season and temperature. Ventilation should be carried out at noon, and the temperature inside the house can be appropriately increased before ventilation. 7. Disinfection (except immunity): Use molybdenum water every day to mop the floor, wash the daily utensils once a week, drink the device every day with a disinfectant scrub, after disinfection, wash with water before use. Only use water to wash the drinking fountains. Replace the disinfectant every 3-4 days. Keep the surrounding environment fresh. Chicken housewares, medicines, etc. are used in advance after entering the house for fumigation and disinfection. 8. Immunization: (1) Develop an immunization plan: Before entering the chicks, do a detailed understanding of the chicken farm's epidemic situation and management status, and work out the immunization plan for the batch of chickens based on the actual situation, season, external environment and species characteristics. (2) Precautions for the immunization: (1) Before the vaccine goes into the house, the bottle wall of the vaccine and the inner and outer surfaces of the thermos bottle should be wiped and wiped with alcohol. 2 The diluted vaccine can not be carried out in the chicken house. Empty bottles of the vaccine should be returned to the original ice bottle. Discarded vaccine power should be carried out with empty bottles. 3 Before inoculation, the inoculated utensils, plastic heads, pipettes, syringes, needles, measuring cylinders, burning forests, stabbing needles, etc. should be heat-disinfected and other disinfectants should not be used. 4 Do not disinfect chickens immediately after inoculation, but in the second and third days, disinfectants should be strengthened to prevent contamination by vaccine strains. 5 Be accurate when inoculated, do not omit and waste, to avoid artificial poisoning. 6 Before use, check the production date, storage method and time of the drug, and pay special attention to whether there are various factors such as high temperature, sun exposure, and freezing that cause the drug to fail. Cracking of glass bottles, loosening of the stoppers, and drugs with different colors and physical states must not be used. 9. Disturbance: Grab the chicken in one hand, take the smashing device in one hand, place the thumb on the upper part of the chicken head, place the index finger on the throat, apply pressure properly, make the tongue of the chicken, select the appropriate aperture to break for 2-3 seconds, turn around No growth points are left, and straight cuts are used. 1 Add VC and VK antibiotics 3 days before and after dehydration. 2 Try cutting off the device before cutting off and find that the problem is repaired in time. 3 Weak chicken can not be broken, 14-16 days old fill. 4 The feed trough should be filled 2 days after the break, and the depth of feed trough should be 1/3. 10. On the other day, the first dung was started around the 10th day. It will be cleaned once every 5 days. Visible season, number of chickens, temperature, fecal odor at any time, in order to maintain the cleanliness of the house, no ammonia smell, no odor for the purpose. Create a good environment for its growth and development. After cleaning the manure, rinse the ground with clean water, and then use fire alkali to mop the ground and disinfect with disinfectant. 2 The material should be fed less frequently, and the depth should be 1/3 of the material tank to minimize feed wastage. 3 Weighing once a week, randomly sampled. 4 Pick out the weak chicken at any time and feed it alone.啄 啄 啄 啄 啄 啄 鸡 啄 及时 啄Elimination of dead chickens. 5 Noise and loud speaking are forbidden in the house to avoid surprises. 6 Wipe the material trough and lamp once a week to keep it clean and bright. 7Shot in summer, water spray cooling measures were taken in the afternoon and afternoon and disinfected at noon. 8 It is forbidden to use any disinfectant, soap, and alkalis during the immunization. The drinking fountains should be cleaned with hot water and used after cooling.


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