Young egg duck captive technology


Different from grazing and rearing, captive young ducks have many advantages. For example, the environmental conditions of ducks are not affected by the outside world and they are relatively stable. They save labor, reduce labor intensity, and increase labor productivity; they reduce the incidence of accidents such as infectious diseases and poisoning. , raise the survival rate of ducks and so on. However, it is also necessary to strengthen management in the process of captivity for young ducks. Regular sport adopts captive mode. Young ducks are very prone to over-fertilization due to their small amount of activity, which affects the production of eggs in the future. You should regularly catch ducks in your house to do circular motions every day for 5-10 minutes, 2-4 times a day. If there is proper pasture near the duck house, short-range activities can be conducted regularly. The young guts who exercise courage are young and the breeds of eggs are particularly sensitive. It is better for the breeder to use the feed, water, and grass exchange opportunities in the duck youth to get in contact with the ducks and increase the guts of the ducks. For example, when feeding, people can stand beside the observation ducks feed, so that the ducks walk around in their own side, when the "favoring duck" quietly beside you can use your hand to touch, over time, the duck is not afraid of people. If ducks are afraid of people and avoid ducks, they will be even more timid. They will be vulnerable when they encounter strangers or environmental changes in the future. Stable light young ducks require a daily light duration of 8-10 hours, which should not increase until they are opened. However, in order to facilitate the ducks to drink water at night to prevent the startling group caused by the movement of rats or birds and animals, light should be used for overnight lighting. A light bulb of 1 盏 15 watts can be lit for every 30 square meters of duck house. When there is a power outage, a kerosene lamp or lantern with a glass cover should be spotted immediately. Never delay. Because the ducklings that have been exposed to low light for a long time, once they encounter a dark environment, they can easily cause serious panic and cause casualties. The main infectious diseases of vaccine-injected young ducks are duck plague and cholera. Both of these diseases are vaccine-preventable. The specific immunization procedure is to inject avian cholera vaccine at 60-70 days of age and 100 days of age. Ducks were vaccinated with duck attenuated vaccine at 70-80 days of age. For ducks that had only 1 year of feeding, they could be given 1 injection. For ducks 2 years or older, they should be prevented from injection 1 at intervals of 1 year. Both the duck plague and the vaccinations for cholera epidemics must be completed before the ducks are opened. The living conditions of the captive ducks are more stable than that of the grazing ducks, and the ducks must be kept alive according to the life habits of the ducks in order to keep the ducks stable.

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