The causes and harms of severe obesity in children in China


In recent years, the rate of childhood obesity has risen rapidly. On May 11, 2017, the first "China Childhood Obesity Report" pointed out that the rate of overweight and obesity among Chinese children is rising. The estimated number of obese children aged 0-7 in major cities in China is 4.76 million. Children over 7 years old are overweight and obese. 34.96 million, adding up to nearly 40 million. If not controlled, the total number of obese children in China will be close to 50 million in 10 years.


Causes of childhood obesity

1, fat food

Limit the intake of fatty foods, including oils and animal foods. Snacks and puffed foods limit the number of meals consumed. Each calorie of fat provides 9 calories, and 1 g of carbohydrates like staple food provides 4 calories. The first thing to lose weight is to control fat rather than the staple food that the public can only think of. A sufficient staple food provides energy for the child's physical energy and brain. Children should not lose weight without eating the staple food. Excessive pursuit of high protein and low staple diets can cause a burden on children's liver and kidney.

The intake of fatty fish and poultry aquatic products is preferably controlled at 50-100 grams per day. The fat content of chicken, fish and shrimp is lower than that of pigs, cattle and sheep, which is preferred. The control of edible oil is about 25 grams per day.


2, lack of calcium, B vitamins, etc.

The foods with rich calcium content are milk, soy products, green leafy vegetables, etc. Children guarantee 300 grams of milk, a small piece of tofu, and some green leafy vegetables every day, which is helpful for supplementing calcium content in one day. The staple food increases the intake of coarse grains, such as brown rice, oats, red beans, etc., in the form of coarse grains. The calcium in the milk and the B vitamins in the coarse grains are the coenzymes for fat burning. The children lose the two nutrients while controlling the weight, which may make our weight loss effect greatly reduced.

3, eating too fast

Under normal circumstances, after 10 to 15 minutes of eating, the brain can get a letter to eat. If the eating speed is too fast, there will be a situation in which you have already eaten, but you have not felt it. As a result, you will eat more without knowing it. In addition, eating too fast, but also because of chewing is not careful and increase the burden of gastrointestinal digestion. Therefore, it is necessary to educate the children to eat and eat slowly, and try to extend the meal time to about 15 minutes. At the same time, parents should cut the leeks into small pieces and teach the children to use chopsticks to pick the vegetables instead of using a spoon to reduce the amount of each meal.


4, drink too much

A bottle of 500 ml sweet drink contains the same energy as a staple food such as half a rice or steamed bread, and carbonated drinks accelerate bone loss. Food additives in beverages, especially aspartic acid in aspartame (abnormal free state) are toxins that stimulate the nervous system, which can cause headaches, abdominal pain, visual impairment, depression, irritability and long-term fatigue. Adverse reactions.

Childhood obesity

Childhood obesity not only has a serious impact on its current physical development, but also increases the risk of obesity-related chronic diseases in adulthood. The risk of hypertension in overweight and obese children is 3.3 times and 3.9 times that of normal weight children, respectively. The risk of developing high triglycerides is 2.6 times and 4.4 times that of normal weight children, respectively. The risk of high HDL cholesterol is low. They were 3.2 times and 5.8 times higher than normal weight children, respectively. Obese children are 2.7 times more likely to develop diabetes in adulthood than in normal-weight children, and those who are obese from childhood to adulthood are 4.3 times more likely to develop diabetes than those with normal weight. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in children is also increasing in normal children, overweight children, and obese children. The risk of metabolic syndrome in children who are obese from childhood to adulthood is 9.5 times higher than that of people with normal weight.

Moreover, there are data showing that infants and young children will lose 10% of their body weight, and hand-eye coordination and limb coordination will decline by 14.7%. That is to say, obesity not only has a great impact on physical health, but also has a great influence on mental development and motor development.

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