What can be done with non-invasive micro-test technology (NMT) | Nature 2017 is the most likely to change the world paper


Author: Xu Click to view more of his autobiography

To support the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, 250 editors of Nature's journal selected more than 250 articles published in 2017 that are most likely to change the world. These papers are based on scientific research results of global research institutions, as well as papers by Chinese authors, mostly involving cross-country or inter-agency research collaborations.

NMT non-invasive micro-test technology , as one of the few excellent living and physiological functions research techniques in the world, Chinese scientists have been at the forefront of the life science application of NMT. So, how to use NMT to continue to push these research deeper on the basis of previous work? This article uses 15 natural science and biomedical papers selected by Nature in these articles to conduct potential future NMT application analysis one by one. Due to the limitations of the author's knowledge, it is inevitable that you will discuss and axe.

1. Horticulture Research papers:

"A method for the production and rapid screening of CRISPR/Cas9- mediated non-transgenic mutant plants" describes the use of genetic engineering to create non-transgenic plants.

This is one of the areas where NMT non-damage micro-test technology can exert its maximum power. Because almost all plants that have been genetically modified, more or less, in many physiological functions such as signal transmission, reproductive development, and nutrient metabolism, the difference from wild type is reflected. The simplicity and rapidity of NMT is of great practical significance for shortening the search and identification cycle of the target gene. And the success stories of this application have been very rich.

2. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology Summary:

The observation of the development of the human hematopoietic system from a culture dish provides an advance in the preparation of hematopoietic stem cells in vitro, which is widely used in basic research and clinical medicine, for example, in the treatment of blood cells involved in transplantation and transfusion.

One of the problems facing the research in the field of regenerative medicine such as artificial blood and stem cells is that the adaptive research at the organizational level lacks powerful tools. Because there are too many examples of failures, the perfect solution for working at the gene/protein/cell level, once inside the animal/human body, will show some physiological phenomena that we still have difficulty understanding and lead to efforts. failure. NMT's non-contact detection method can make it possible to follow the research from organelle to tissue, and even the multi-level research of organ level, which undoubtedly provides a rare research method for solving the 'last mile' problem of regenerative medicine. For other details, please visit the author's blog post: Regenerative Medicine and NMT Non-Invasive Micro-Test Technology (1) Technical Interpretation

3. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica

Conjugated Polymer Nanomaterials for Cancer Treatment introduces conjugated polymer nanomaterials, which have great promise for biomedical imaging, non-invasive treatment and drug delivery applications.

We know that the tumor tissue microenvironment has a very large and sometimes decisive influence on the efficacy of nanomedicine. As just mentioned, NMT non-invasive micro-testing technology is one of the best tools for studying tissue-level physiological phenomena and tissue micro-environment. For example, the acidic environment within tumor tissue forces nanopharmaceutical designers to redesign their designs so that these nanomedicines first break through this acidic barrier in order to deliver the therapeutic drug to the desired destination. However, in addition to H+, we still know very little about this tumor microenvironment. In order to design the best tumor nanomedicine, the help of NMT is obviously indispensable.

4. The ISME journal paper:

" Difference specificity between closely related corals and endosymbiotic Endozoicomonas genus in the world" provides information on how protozoan symbiosis in corals is formed and how they contribute to the function of the host. Valuable new insights.

NMT non-invasive micro-testing technology essentially reveals the exchange of information between the organism and its environment by detecting the flow of ionic molecules into and out of living organisms. Then, the study of the interrelationships between commensal organisms and their relationship to the shared external environment is no more suitable technology than NMT.

5. Nature Reviews Immunology Overview:

The Early Life Factors Affecting the Development of Allergies Environmental experiences in childhood can lead to the emergence of allergies and continue into adulthood. Understanding these early exposures may help with treatment options and prevent allergies.

The essence of allergies is the abnormal reaction of some people's immune system after they enter the human body. People's research can benefit from NMT in both directions. First, the human body's immune response caused by these substances is systematically studied for cell signaling, especially for comparative studies between immunized and non-immune populations; second, in-depth research at the organizational level. The immune problem of allergies is actually tissue disease, micro-environment disease, and NMT will fill the historical gap in allergy research in this area.

6. Cell Research papers:

Intermittent fasting promotes fat-producing heat and metabolic homeostasis through VEGF-mediated alternative activation of macrophages. Intermittent fasting can help fight obesity and metabolic diseases.

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGFs) regulate blood vessel development. It is also the clinical theoretical basis for inhibiting the growth of tumor tissue. Some details missing here, such as O2 in living tissue, glucose metabolism, pH and other microenvironment on blood vessel formation, and the effects of nutrient metabolism. The application of NMT will soon improve this information.

7. Nature Reviews Microbiology Overview:

The New Way of Understanding and Combating Antibiotic Resistance provides guidance on how to actively address global threats identified and mitigated by antibiotic resistance.

The application potential of NMT can be found in the author's special narrative. The Difficulties and Outlets of Resistance in Science: Opportunities in China?

8. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy papers:

"Platelet regulation of the hematopoietic vascular development environment, driving vascular secretion factor-mediated liver regeneration" shows that leukocytes produce pro-regenerative factors that promote liver recovery from injury.

The blood components such as platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells are separated and studied one by one using NMT. ​​At present, no laboratory has tried. For other suggestions, see the discussion in article 2, Observing the Development of Human Hematopoietic System from Petri dishes.

9. Laboratory Investigation Papers:

Reversing the poor fibrosis and impaired ventricular function in stress overloaded hearts with prion -1 instead of peptides presents a promising new treatment for congestive heart failure.

Although the time resolution of NMT is currently unable to keep up with the natural pulsation of human heart muscle, the use of NMT at the organelle and single cell levels is currently blank. In particular, in terms of O2 metabolism, glucose metabolism studies, and the relationship between cardiac load, NMT will have a large space for development.

10. npj Regenerative Medicine Papers:

"After the ocular graft in a vertebrate model that induces sensory plasticity, serotonin stimulates nerve growth and promotes visual learning," suggests that drugs used to treat neurological and psychiatric disorders can be re-used in regenerative therapy. Innervation, integration and function of transplanted organs.

Professor Li Jinyou from Shanxi Medical University established the world's first neural tissue research experimental system based on NMT. It has opened up new avenues for other regenerative medicine applications, including organ transplantation. For other discussion, see the discussion in article 2, Observing the Development of Human Hematopoietic System from Petri dishes.

11. Bone Research papers:

Application of Biomimetic Biphasic CAN-PAC Hydrogel and Seamless Interfacial Layer in Repair of Osteochondral Defects

NMT non-invasive micro-testing technology can also be applied to the study of ion and molecular exchange between non-living objects and external liquid environments while being good at studying living biological materials. Therefore, the field of biosafety research of artificial materials is still an uncultivated virgin land.

12. Cellular & Molecular Immunology papers:

"Mesenchymal stem cell modulators Treg / Th17 balance in human systemic lupus erythematosus" study between human cord blood mesenchymal stem cells in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus periphery of the adjusting regulatory T (Treg) cells and T helper cell 17 (Th17) The mechanism of action.

See the discussion of question 2.

13. npj Microgravity Paper: "Three-dimensional organ-type co-culture model of intestinal epithelial cells and macrophages, studying the colonization pattern of Salmonella intestines" Infectious diseases are the biggest killers of children and young people in the world, which The structure of the source organization - a large demand for functional and multicellular complexity models. This paper presents an advanced 3-D intestinal co-culture model containing multiple epithelial cell types and inflammatory immune cells. This model was engineered under physiological fluid flow conditions, validated and applied to study with different host adaptations. Sexual, disease phenotype and antibiotic-resistant infection of Salmonella pathological variants. The NMT has a real-time 3D splitter flow rate detection function.

How to verify the physiological functions of these organizational models? How to build a simple, real-time, fast experimental model? Establishing the same experimental platform as the NMT neural tissue experimental system established by Professor Li Jinyou mentioned above is worthy of expectation.

14. Cell Discovery papers:

"TRPA1 channel mediates organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy" describes a new approach to the treatment of organic phosphate-induced neurological damage.

See the discussion of question 10.

15. Nature Communications Papers:

"Overexpression of photosystem II subunit S improves water use efficiency in field crops"

Direct detection of NMT oxygenation and photosynthetic efficiency after chloroplast enrichment, combined with NMT water use efficiency and nutrient absorption (K+, NO3-, NH4+) and other physiological indicators, for subsequent determination of subunit S overexpression and water use efficiency The best relationship will be very helpful.


Nature's 15 original sources

Understanding NMT: Baidu Academic Input "Non-Impact Micro-Test Technology"

Get other applications of NMT "The Collection"

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