Brown sugar will play a lot of good role in the process of raising chickens. For example, brown sugar is used in the hatching of chicks, and the chicks are given 5% to 8% of brown sugar water and vitamin C drinking water, then eaten for three consecutive days. It can promote the absorption of yolk, reduce the incidence of chicks and increase the feed conversion rate of chicks when chicks are transferred from the house to the brooding room. Brown sugar is used in the long-distance transportation of young (chicken) chickens. 5% to 10% of the brown sugar water is used before long-distance transportation to avoid or reduce dehydration, mental depression and other adverse effects of young chickens. After use, it can be used. The young chicks quickly recover their physical strength, improve their defensive capabilities, and reduce mortality. In the chicken transfer, change the feed, the chicken can be given 10% brown sugar water for 2 days to 3 days when it is broken, which can prevent the chicken from weakening the immune function caused by stress, resist stress, and regulate the balance of body fluids. Appetite, nutritional supplements, accelerated chicken rehabilitation, improve production performance and so on. Using 5% to 10% brown sugar water for chicken in cold winter can help to fight cold, phlegm and stomach. In the treatment of infectious diseases such as coccidiosis, colibacillosis and chicken white fleas, 5% to 10% of brown sugar water can be drunk with the drug for 3 days to 5 days, forming a protective film in the intestinal tract of chickens, reducing toxic The irritation of the substance to the intestines reduces death. In the treatment of chicken kidney or chicken nephritis, drinking 5% to 10% of brown sugar water, can play a role in adjuvant drug therapy. Brown sugar is also a kind of non-specific immune regulator, which can strengthen the defensive function of the chicken body and work better with antibiotics. When chickens develop drug poisoning or feed additive poisoning, they can drink 10% brown sugar water for 3 to 5 days in a row, which can effectively relieve symptoms of poisoning. The effect of vitamin C supplementation is even better. Disclaimer: Some articles in this website have been transferred from the Internet. If you are involved in third party legal rights, please inform this website. phone Fresh Half Shell Mussel Meat,Half Shell Mussel Meat,Frozen Cooked Mussel Meat,Frozen Mussel Shengsi Huali Aquatic Products Co.,Ltd ,