Fruit frostbite prevention and treatment skills


In the early winter of the 29th and early 20th, the fruit trees, especially the young fruit trees, are often subjected to low-temperature freezing damage. The light flower buds have frostbite, affecting the annual output, and the branches or the entire plant are frozen to death.

Early base fertilizer

Orchard base fertilizers should be applied early and deep, which will not only increase the utilization rate of fertilizers, but also benefit soil warming and storage of nutrients. Over-wintering fertilizer should be based on mature, semi-ripe farmyard fertilizers. In combination with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other quick-acting fertilizers, they can be applied by means of open ring grooves or trenching.

Winter irrigation antifreeze

The heat capacity of water is higher than that of soil, and the soil in winter soil can be used to raise water temperature and temperature to prevent frost damage. Since orchards are mostly built on hillsides, hills, and rivers and floodplains, such fields are shallow and have poor water retention, and it is most likely to cause fruit trees to suffer drought damage. Therefore, before winter, the fruit trees should be filled with water 1 or 2 times and after irrigation. When the soil is slightly dry, lightly soil the surface to cut off the capillary and reduce the loss of water and salt.

White trunk

After the fruit trees are picked, the trunk and the main branches of the fruit trees are evenly painted with a whitening agent to prevent freezing, prevent sunburn, and kill pathogens, eggs, and adults hidden in the trunk. The preparation method of the whitening agent is 10 parts of quicklime, 1 part of sulfur powder, 1 part of salt, 0.1 part of vegetable oil and 20 parts of clear water.

Surface coverage

With straw, wheatgrass, subtilis, corn stalks, etc. covering the rows of fruit trees, you can stop the cold wind invasion of the root neck, reduce frost damage, but also reduce the evaporation of soil moisture, play a role in heat preservation. When covering, straw and other coverings should be cut into small pieces of 15 to 20 centimeters long, evenly covered and then covered with a layer of soil to prevent the wind from being blown away. After the cover is rotted, it can also become an organic fertilizer for the growth of beneficial fruit trees. For 1-3 year old saplings, a 1 m square mulch can also be covered in the tree tray before frost, which can increase soil temperature and maintain soil moisture.

Root and soil

Fruit root necks are the hardest to resist cold attacks, especially young trees, and are more prone to frost damage. Therefore, soil must be cultivated at the junction of the ground part and the underground part of the tree before freezing, with a thickness of 20 to 30 centimeters, and it will be removed when it is defrosted in the coming year.

Tree package

Before the big freeze comes, wrap up the trunk or main branch with a straw or straw rope to prevent the cold wind from invading and reduce the loss of water from the trunk. Before winding, it is best to soak the wounds in lime water for 1 to 2 days to sterilize and prevent the diseases and insects from invading the fruit trees. In the spring of the spring, the grass will be burnt down to eliminate overwintering pests.

Film cover tree

The tender shoots of young fruit trees are more susceptible to freezing. Before the advent of freezing, the sticky film is placed on the saplings, and the lower part is tightly tied with rope or embedded in the root soil. It can also play a role in antifreeze.

Set up a windbreak

Use shelterbelts to improve the orchard's microclimate, reduce wind speed, suppress drought, and reduce frost damage. To build a shelterbelt, it is better to use a combination of arbor and irrigation. Evergreen trees are ideal. For a small area of ​​orchards, windbreaks can also be set by tying up windbreaks, that is, using a tree branch, hay, etc. on the northwestern side of the orchard, to form a windbreak or windbreak with a height of about 1 meter to protect the neck from freezing. .

Increased smoke smoke

Smoke fumes should be carried out during the coldest night in winter. The firewood should be crushed firewood, chopped weeds, sawdust, and clam shells. It should be lighted at around 12 o'clock at night. It is advisable to control the fire and use dark fire smoke as appropriate. Generally, it is not per mu. Less than 3 to 4 fire points and set it on the uptake. According to the measurement of smoke, the temperature can be increased by 3°C to 4°C.

Clear snow

In some places, it is cold and snowy, and heavy snow can easily bend or crush branches. Branches and branches can increase frost damage to fruit trees. Therefore, after the heavy snowfall, the tree trunk should be shaken in time, shake off the snow, in order to protect the fruit trees for a smooth winter.

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