Graphene turned medical sensor: can detect brain cancer cells


Graphene, a honeycomb planar film formed by sp2 hybridization of carbon atoms, is a quasi-two-dimensional material with only one atomic layer thickness, also called monoatomic layer graphite. Because there is only one layer of atoms, the motion of electrons is confined to a plane, and graphene also has new electrical properties.

Jianghu is rumored that graphene will be the core of the next industrial revolution. Its discovery is revolutionary, discovered only in 2004, and won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010. Graphene is the world's most conductive material, in which electrons move at speeds of up to 1/300 of the speed of light, far exceeding the speed at which electrons travel in general conductors.

According to the news, a team of scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) made graphene a sensor that distinguishes between normal astrocytes and astroglioma cells. Graphene, as a carbon lattice of atomic thickness, can detect certain properties when contacted with individual cells.

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