Doctors use 3D printing technology to reconstruct jaws for car accident patients


Some time ago, a British person suffered severe facial trauma due to a bicycle accident. Fortunately, with the help of a team of professional doctors and 3D printing technology, his face has been rebuilt and his overall life has a new look.


The frequency of bicycle accidents is very high, but it often happens in collision with motor vehicles. A British resident, George Boden, suffered a car accident in Easter 2011. Due to the accident, most of George Boden's chin was damaged.


"I was riding a bicycle and ready to go, then looked down at the watch. In the next minute, I was knocked down by a car in the corner," recalls George Boden. After the accident, Boden underwent a lot of treatments, the most important of which was that the surgeon took the bone from his shoulder and combined it with the titanium plate to create a new chin. However, this surgery caused George Boden to have no bottom teeth and left a walnut-sized wound.


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