The winter has arrived, the north is snow and ice, and the south is rainy and cold, so keeping warm and keeping warm is the main theme. People with cold hands and feet, and always cold, may wish to try the “four-color chicken soupâ€, a warming diet that can warm up the body. This medicated diet is based on red earthworms, white lilies, yellow astragalus, and black mussels, hence the name "four-color chicken soup." Production methods: selection of 500 grams of black-bone chicken, Poria 15 to 20 grams, 30 grams of Lily, Astragalus 10 to 20 grams. The chicken is washed, the fire is boiled, the fish is removed and the blood is removed, and then placed in a pressure cooker or a stew pot. The wolfberry, lily, astragalus and seasoning are added, and the stew is finished and the meat is eaten. Chinese medicine believes that black-bone chickens are warm and can warm the body and replenish vital energy and fill in the essence and fill the pulp; while wolfberry has a mild kidney function; Lily has nourishing yin and moisturize the lungs; and Huangqi has nourishing yin and warm the kidneys. A small amount of Codonopsis can also be added during production to make it more effective for temperature and yang. People who are weak, tired, and cold can use this diet to replenish their bodies. Older women and menopausal women are particularly suitable because Wujitang helps estrogen replacement. However, women with lobular hyperplasia and uterine fibroids should not eat too much. In addition, people who are easy to get angry must eat less. Picc Line Cover,Picc Line Sleeve,Picc Line Shower Cover,Picc Line Waterproof Cover Wenzhou Celecare Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd ,