If mothers have high intakes of vitamin E and vitamin D during pregnancy, their children have better airway cell function at birth and are less likely to develop allergic reactions to dust and infections. At the 10th week of the mother's pregnancy, the researchers measured their dietary vitamin E levels using blood samples and measured their intake of vitamin D through a questionnaire. After their children were born, researchers used cotton swabs to collect cell samples from inside the baby's nose. The results of the analysis showed that if the mother's intake of vitamin E and vitamin D during pregnancy is high, their children's airway cells function better at birth and are less likely to develop allergic reactions to dust and infections. Reduces the likelihood of your child’s future asthma. Researchers suggest that mothers supplement sufficient vitamin E and vitamin D during pregnancy to reduce the risk of asthma in childhood. How do pregnant women supplement vitamin D The human body can obtain vitamin d from two sources, one is the sun and the other is the diet. In areas with insufficient sunshine in the winter sun, vitamin d levels in the human body need to be supplemented by the amount of vitamin d in the body's storage and diet. There are three sources of vitamin d food: normal foods, vitamin d fortified foods, and concentrated natural foods. China recommends that pregnant women should take 10 micrograms of vitamin d daily. To meet this supply standard, pregnant women should pay attention to taking more vitamin d from food and increasing the time of daylight exposure so as to prevent the occurrence of vitamin D deficiency. The general food vitamin d content is not rich. More foods include marine fish, eggs and butter. Vitamin d fortified foods are mostly dairy foods and baby foods. In recent years, most major cities in China use fresh milk to intensify vitamin D intake. Natural concentrated foods are mainly cod liver oil. When pregnant women choose cod liver oil and vitamin d to fortify food, they must follow the doctor's advice. Do not overdo it to avoid poisoning. What pregnant women eat vitamin E Vitamin E-rich fruit Mothers who like to eat fruit, if you do not know what to eat vitamin E, you can eat more kiwi fruit. It is the fruit with the most abundant vitamin E. Vitamin E-enriched oilseeds and vegetable oils Natural vitamin E is widely found in various oilseeds and vegetable oils, and contains a certain amount of natural vitamin E in cereals, nuts, and green leafy vegetables. Especially in the germ of the seed. Corn, wheat germ oil, soybean oil, sesame, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, peanut oil, and cottonseed oil are also rich in vitamin E. Among them, sesame oil contains the highest amount of vitamin E, followed by pock seed oil, followed by sesame oil corn oil. Pregnant mothers can take certain vitamin E from edible oils. Vitamin E-rich vegetables Lettuce, cabbage, vegetables, etc. are more vegetables containing vitamin E. Celery, peppers, tomatoes and other vitamin E are the best food sources. In addition, soy, peanuts, walnuts, melon seeds, animal liver, egg yolk, butter and corn, yellow-green vegetables, are rich in vitamin E! The results are often used to detect disease. Gastric acidity pH is 3.5 ~ 7.0, common in atrophic gastritis, gastric cancer, secondary iron deficiency anemia, gastric dilatation, hyperthyroidism. Reduced gastric acidity is seen in duodenal reflux, gastric ulcer, gastric cancer, atrophic gastritis, chronic gastritis, pernicious anemia, etc. Such as duodenal bulb ulcer, Zhu-Ai syndrome, pyloric obstruction, chronic cholecystitis, duodenal fluid reflux will also increase pH. Gastric Acid Ph Test Strips,Gastric Acid Strips,Gastric Acid Test Strips,Gastric Acid Ph Strips,Gastric Acid Ph Test Kits,Gastric Acid Ph Test Paper Changchun LYZ Technology Co., Ltd , https://www.lyzstrips.com
PH0.9 ~ 1.8.
Clinical significance of test results
(1) Gastric acid reduction: pH3.5 ~ 7.0, common in atrophic gastritis, gastric cancer, secondary iron deficiency anemia, gastric dilatation, hyperthyroidism. Reduced gastric acidity is seen in duodenal reflux, gastric ulcer, gastric cancer, atrophic gastritis, chronic gastritis, pernicious anemia, etc.
(2) Increased gastric acidity: in duodenal bulb ulcer, Zhuo-Ai syndrome, pyloric obstruction, chronic cholecystitis, duodenal fluid reflux will also increase pH.