The Morphological Characteristics of Lysimachia


Morphological characteristics

Herbs perennial are small, stems are slender, gray pubescent, rooting at the nodes. Leaves kidney-shaped to rounded, 4-25 mm in diam., apex broadly rounded or emarginate, base broadly cordate, leaf surface hairy, abaxially adaxially pubescent, entire; leaf petiole long, petiole long (1.5) 3-6 (6) cm. Flowers solitary. Leaves pedicels shorter than petiole, filamentous; bracts obovate-oblong to spatulate, obtuse, 2-3 mm long, abaxially and marginally glabrous; corolla campanulate, shorter to slightly longer than indica, Yellow, deeply 5-lobed, lobes oblong-lanceolate, glabrous; stamens 5, inserted at corolla 2 lobes imbricate, filaments short, as long; ovary puberulent, 2-celled, with 4 ovules Style 2, stigma capitate. Capsules subglobose, small, shorter than calyx, ca. 1.5 mm in diam., membranous. Seeds 1-2, yellow to brown, glabrous.


Perennial herb. The stem is weak, extending prolongedly, and is 20-60cm long. The surface is grayish green or reddish-purple. The whole plant is glabrous or sparsely hairy. The young part is densely covered with brown stalkless glands and the lower internodes are shorter, often giving rise to adventitious roots. The central section is 1.5-5(-10) cm long. Leaves opposite; petiole 1-3 cm long, glabrous; leaf blade ovate, suborbicular and even kidney-shaped, long (1.5-)2-6(-8) cm, width 1-4(-6) cm, Apex acute or round blunt and round, the base truncated to shallow heart-shaped, slightly fleshy, transparent visible light transparent stripes, dry when the glands become black, both sides hairless, with glandular hairs. Flowers solitary in leaf axils: pedicels 1-5 cm long, usually not exceeding leaf length, pedicels slightly hairy when young, ± brown sessile glands, calyx long (4-)5-7(-10) mm, 5 Deep lobed, divided nearly to base, lobes lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate or slightly linear-shaped or slightly enlarged distally, spatulate, apex acute or slightly obtuse, glabrous, pubescent or margin ciliate only. Corolla yellow, spectively campanulate, long 7-15mm, 5-parted deeply, basally connate part long 2-4mm, lobes narrowly ovate or nearly lanceolate, apex acute or obtuse, with black long glands; stamens 5, Filaments 6-8 mm long, the lower part of the tube, anthers oval, long 1-1.5mm; ovary ovoid, style length 6-8mm. Capsule spherical, 3-5 mm in diam., glabrous, with sparsely black glands, valve cleft. Flowering from May to July, fruiting from July to October.

Stem slender, leaf kidney-shaped to round. The stem surface is green and the shade is purple. The leaves are green.

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