Chinese interpretation of a woman's flank is not a kidney deficiency


Is the flank kidney?

It is said that the flank represents the female figure and is a sign of sex. Only 3% of women have a flank. As the saying goes, women’s goodness makes the remaining 97% of women admit that their body is not so well-proportioned and sexy is undoubtedly a horrible thing. It’s estimated that “there is a kidney nest representing kidney deficiency” is such an incorrect statement that spreads. .

The flank is not associated with kidney deficiency

"The belief that the flank is a sign of kidney deficiency may be related to the position of the flank in the kidney and it is recessed. Many people think this is a statement of Chinese medicine. In fact, Chinese medicine does not have this theory."

As the saying goes, men's heads, women's waists. From an aesthetic point of view, women look a little lean and look good, so-called “bees and waists”, and women in the waist and waist area are relatively thin. However, from a health point of view, being lean and not healthy, Zhou Xiaoqing believes that from this perspective, there is not necessarily a healthy flank, but what is certain is that there is no connection between the flank and kidney.

Since the statement that “there is a kidney nest representing kidney deficiency” is mostly from the perspective of Chinese medicine, it is necessary to mention the theory of kidney deficiency in Chinese medicine. The deficiency of kidney in traditional Chinese medicine not only refers to the deficiency of kidney organ function in Western medicine, but is a huge system involving many aspects such as spirit, skin, limbs, nightmares, etc. Therefore, the kidney deficiency in Chinese medicine does not refer to reproductive function alone. Is it normal?

Therefore, this depression in the waist of women has nothing to do with the kidney deficiency in Chinese medicine.

Anatomy to see the waist

A professional doctor explained from an anatomical point of view that the recent Weibo crazy "sexy hip nest", in fact, the structural term is called "concave", the deep side is the posterior iliac spine, the connection between the two sides of the sinus through the second The spinous process of the atlas. More than 2% of infants will have, and few people's pits indicate a potential abnormality of spina bifida or sacrum, spinal cord, and need to be checked for exceptions, but most are harmless and do not require any treatment.

The flank only accounts for 3% of all women?

It is the two recessed nests at the back of the waist. It is on both sides of the gluteal and lumbrical joints of the hips and gluteal bones. Only young women with fat, thin, uniform and well-proportioned shapes may have it. It is said that it only accounts for the percentage of all women. three. If the back and eyes are called the beauty's spiritual window, then it is the beautiful eyes of a woman's waist. With these eyes, beauty will come!

Some people say that the buttocks are the subject of aesthetics on the back of the human body. If the back of the human body can have expression, then the “five features” on the back of the human body is the “holy vortex”. What needs to be pointed out here is that not every woman can grow this even if she is a masterpiece beauty.

What is a flank? Where is the flank?

What is really well-defined in medicine is "McKissling"; the so-called flank is exactly what McKays contains. Mackaysling is a mistranslation of the German Michaelis Raute (English Rhombus of Michaelis or Michaelis' rhomboid), and in Chinese it is "Mie's Diamond Nest."

Mie's diamond nest was researched by the German obstetrician and Gustav-Gustave McKeith who studied the full success of the buttocks for many years. According to information, Dr. McCases carried forward the spirit of not afraid of suffering and died without countless sleepless nights. Finally, we found that there was a diamond-shaped space above the crack in the middle of the woman's buttocks. The muscles on the spine were thinner than other parts, thus forming a slightly protruding rhombus.

This diamond body shows the position of the sacral spine, which is known to the medical community and named after the discoverer "Mike Sling." This is not enough. Dr. McCases carried forward the spirit of recovering from the rest of the world, finding a nest on each side of the "McKissling". The two wolves are large and deep, like the vortices in the waves. The vortex was later called by Western estheticians as the "holy vortex."

This depression is likely to occur behind men and women, but the term “Mie's diamond nest” is more closely linked to women, and is mainly used in obstetrics and gynecology to determine the size and position of female pelvis, and the female birth canal. The size provides indirect instructions.

During the production phase, the fetal head acts on the Mie diamond nest on the back of the mother, causing the mothers to concentrate on the back, especially the pain around the sacrum and coccyx; at this time, the Mie's diamond nest also follows the pelvis. Expansion and expansion. According to information, maternity women can generally lift their hands and bow their backs to help produce.

The flank is different from the "Mikesling" (Mie's diamond nest). The former is a common name with a cultural background in English, while the latter is a medical term with proper meaning. As for whether or not the flank is sexy, it is a matter of opinion. If the shape is well-balanced, there is another "venus of Venus" on the back, which is indeed a beautiful thing.

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