Drug identification Identification of traits: The fruit is wrapped in a total pod, spindle-shaped or oval, 1-1.5cm long and 0.4-0.7cm in diameter. The surface is yellowish-brown or yellow-green, and all have barbed spines. There are two thicker thorns at the tip of the apex. They are separated or connected, and there are sessile marks on the base. Hard and tough, there is a diaphragm in the middle of the cross section, 2 rooms, each with an achene. The achenes are slightly spindle-shaped, flatter on one side, with a prominent style base at the apex, thin skin, grayish-black, with vertical stripes. Seed coat membranous, pale gray, with vertical stripes; cotyledons oily. Gas slightly, bitter taste. It is better to use large, full, yellow-brown. Microscopic identification: powder characteristics: in yellow. 1 Many fibers, bundles or single scattered, most of the slender prism, about 425μm long, 17μm diameter, thin wall; a few short, about 255μm, slightly thicker walls, with a significant pit. 2 Wood parenchyma cells (present in the vicinity of the guide) are rectangular, 96-120 μm long, and Gong 19-24 μm, with a single hole. 3 Guides and rare, textured guides and diameters of approximately 34 μm, threaded catheters approximately 12 μm in diameter. 4 Cotyledon cell ambiguous powder and oil droplets. 5 kinds of skin parenchyma cells are round or rectangular, light yellow. Industrial Applications Nitrile Gloves Industrial Applications Nitrile Gloves,Industrial Nitrile Gloves,Food Grade Disposable Gloves,Food Grade Nitrile Gloves Puyang Linshi Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. , https://www.linshimedicals.com