“Wheat rhizome grass weed†is a newly discovered pest that damages the stem base of wheat in our province. Last year, more than 6,000 acres occurred. The average serious larvae have 5-20 larvae per ridge of wheat. Although this area has undergone emergency control, the area of ​​damage this year is still expanding. . After the wheat is damaged, it can cause the stalk to break, and the wheat seedlings wilting and die, forming a lack of seedlings and ridges, and the damage symptoms are easily confused with common ground tigers and other underground pests. Harmful symptoms: The base of the damaged wheat stems or leaves are hole-shaped. When the wheat seedlings are pulled out, they are carefully observed. There are fresh hole-like wounds at the base of the wheat stems. The surface sheaths may only be damaged, or empty holes may appear, and even the entire stems may show nicks. Generally, they can be checked around the holes. See larvae. The wounds of the upper leaves were formed by multiple rows of holes, and the surrounding tissues of the holes had already died of yellow withering, and the field showed a lack of seedlings. Since it is a new culprit, it lacks the necessary basic research on the occurrence rules and epidemiological factors, as well as clear and effective prevention and control techniques. Even the name “wheat rhizome grass worm†is a tentative name of our province, and farmers and technicians are lacking. Control experience. Faced with this situation, all localities must take measures against the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, refer to prevention and control techniques similar to pests and diseases, use various forms of propaganda and guidance, organize prevention and control scientifically, guarantee the effectiveness of prevention and control, and ensure the safety of summer grain production. After preliminary tests, 48% chlorpyrifos emulsifiable concentrate or 4.5% beta-cyfluthrin EC was sprayed on the stem base of wheat to have a good control effect on "wheat rhizome grasshopper". Specs: Granule Spreader,Seed Sprayer,Agriculture Helicopter,Agriculture Plane,agriculture drone sprayer,drone agriculture sprayer,drone agriculture,agriculture spraying drone,agricultural fumigation drone,drone for agricultural spraying Dongying Youjia Industry & Trade Co. Ltd. , https://www.uav55.com
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