“This time, even when there are more cloudy days, I will extend the interval between watering. Perhaps the vegetables in the shed have not been watered for a long time and are too dry. The cucumbers have been wilting for a long time after pouring water a few days ago. I suspect that it was caused by the roots of Shuidashi. You said that this can be remedied?†In the recent days, in the Nanci Village, Datian Township, Shouguang City, master farmer Zhang told the author. Subsequently, the author also found in several nearby sheds: In the case of even cloudy days, many vegetable farmers were over watered a few days ago, and many cucumbers and tomatoes suffered rooting. Many farmers can not take measures when they find the roots of the crops. The result is worse and worse. The author believes that the following points should be made and the remedy should be implemented as soon as possible. First of all, the combination of temperature, humidity, ventilation and dehumidification. After the vegetables are rooted, it is necessary to raise the temperature in the shed to promote the normal growth of the root system. The general daytime temperature should be maintained at 28 °C ~ 30 °C, but should not be eager to seek excessive temperature, so as not to cause the opposite result, when the temperature in the shed is stable to 32 °C before they can be released. Of course, under the premise of increasing the temperature during the day, it is also necessary to increase the nighttime temperature as much as possible. In the evening, the nighttime temperature in the shed can be stabilized at about 20°C by means of late release and early closure of the wind. In general, after the vegetables are rooted, the normal growth can be resumed after 4 to 5 days by increasing the temperature in the shed and re-venting. Second, the root soil was removed and then scratched. Once the watering is too large, the water in the roots of the plants should be removed in the shortest possible time to prevent the roots of vegetables from infecting the disease if the water in the shed is too long. Break open the soil around the roots, speed up the evaporation of water, allow some of the roots to come into contact with the air, and reapply the soil 2 to 3 days later. In addition, the occurrence of roots after the timely removal of roots in order to increase the permeability of the soil, improve the rhizosphere environment of vegetables, promote the recovery of normal vegetable roots as soon as possible to restore, promote the root bar. In addition, the upper spray irrigation, foliar spray warm water, the roots appropriate irrigation rooting agent. Immediately after the crop wilted, plants were sprayed with warm water to relieve symptoms of wilting. At the same time, in order to stimulate the rooting of vegetables, it is better to infuse 500 times better root and other rooting agents under the premise of warming and dehumidification. Ningbo DOKEE Medical Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.dokeemedical.com