Which man doesn't want to keep himself alive? However, fast-paced and high-intensity work, exhausted competition, endless pressure, and long-term mental stress... These are the heavy burdens of middle-aged men. In addition, the physiological function of middle-aged people changes from high to low, and many people suffer from back pain, tinnitus, and dizziness. Kidney deficiency refers to kidney deficiency, which can generally be divided into kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin yang deficiency. In the period of kidney deficiency, most patients have symptoms such as listlessness, low back pain, poor energy, poor sleep (including insomnia, multiple dreams, drowsiness), and sexual dysfunction. Kidney yin deficiency, there are nocturnal emission, urine output or urine such as fat, dizziness, tinnitus and other symptoms, severe deafness, dry mouth, night sweats, fever, blush, hand, foot and heart heat and so on. Kidney yang is low back pain, loss of libido, sliding essence, premature ejaculation, impotence and so on. Kidney deficiency There are many factors that cause kidney deficiency, but common causes are due to excessive frequency of sexual intercourse and loss of abundance. The frequency of sexual intercourse varies from person to person. In general, it is appropriate for the body to feel tired after the second day of the room. From an age point of view, young couples are 2-3 times a week, and middle-aged couples are 1-2 times better. Kidney food There are many foods that have kidney function, of which the most convenient and economical one is sheep back bone soup. Wash the back bone of the sheep for two hours and add the onion ginger as a soup. Kidney weakness, weakness, delusions, lumbago pain can be chopped sheep vertebrae, plus 30 grams of Chinese Herbal Cistanche, silk 1-3 grams (with cloth wrapped) add water with the fried, 2-3 hours after the juice Rice boiled and seasoned. Yang Shen has more therapeutic effects on low back pain caused by kidney deficiency, weak foot and knees, and impotence of impotence. Servo Ultrasonic Welding Machine Automatic Welding Machine,Precision Metal Welding Machine,Used Welding Machines,Dc Welding Machine Dongguan Jinwang Ultrasonic Equipment Co.,Ltd , https://www.jwultrasonic.com