Double Arm Electric Medical Pendant with multi kinds of gas outlet and power socket can be choosed; The Ceiling Pendant is modular assembly, to make the Medical Pendant suitable to different environment use; it is inevitable choice for operation theater and ICU room;The pendant is mainly used to place monitor, electric knives and medical instruments needed by general surgery operations. Its bearing weight is more than 120kg. It could provide the necessary medical gas, power for operations with output terminal. It is equipped with all kinds of pluggable, quickly-connecting gas terminals.
Double Arm Electric Medical Pendant Electric Surgical Pendant,Electric Ceiling Pendant,Electric Hospital Pendant,Electric Cavascope Pendant Shandong Lewin Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. ,
ã€Efficacy】Cough, expectorant and asthma
Cough and asthma. This product tastes bitter cold, has a good expectorant and cough effect, but the antiasthmatic effect is weak. It is used for cough and asthma, and it has good effect when used alone. Du Fusu tablets, Manshan red oil, Manshan red capsules have been made for clinical use.
[Usage and dosage] 6 ~ 15g.
[modern research]
1. Chemical composition: leaves and flowers contain volatile oils, including rhododendron (large geranone), camphor, menthol, α-, β-, γ-eucalyptol, and leaves contain various flavonoids, such as gold wire Peach glycosides, isoquerins, quercetin, etc.; coumarins such as scutellaria, umbelliferone; phenolic acids such as vanillic acid, rhodamine, hydroquinone and trace eucalyptus toxin .
2. Pharmacological action: Decoction has obvious antitussive effect, the main active ingredient is rhododendron, and the aqueous solution and the active ingredient, rhododendron, exhibit significant sputum effect. The alcohol immersion aqueous solution can fight bronchospasm and has an antiasthmatic effect. The appropriate dose of Manshanhong preparation has a digital effect of digitalis, and the large dose is caused by slowing the heart rate and weakening the contraction force. Decoction and alcohol extract have inhibitory effects on Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the like. In addition, this product has a blood pressure lowering effect.
3. Adverse reactions: a small number of patients can cause digestive tract and nervous system symptoms, mild dizziness, gastrointestinal discomfort, stomach pain, headache, chest tightness, dry mouth and other symptoms, but after 1 to 3 days of withdrawal, they can disappear. When the amount of leaves is more than 90-120 grams, it can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, slow heartbeat, redness of the skin, difficulty breathing, numbness of the limbs, balance disorders and other symptoms. Treatment: According to the general poisoning treatment principle.
The effect and effect of Manchurian
Manshanhong Manshanhong is the leaf of the rhododendron Rhododendron dauricum L. Mainly produced in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Xinjiang and other places. Harvested in autumn and season, dried or dried.
[Medicine] bitter, cold. Return to the lungs.