Sclerotinia celery can develop in the whole growth period, and damage the celery's petiole and leaves. The victim was dark green and water-stained at the beginning, brownish to rot and soft rot on the back, white hyphae on the surface, white moldy layer, and black sclerotia in the white mycelia. Protected celery in the autumn and winter, low temperature and high humidity, planting too dense or poor ventilation of the greenhouse is more susceptible to disease. Control methods: 1 After the harvest of celery to remove the diseased body, plunge the soil deeper, turn the surface sclerotia into the surface below 10 cm, and conditional irrigation can also be immersed for a period of time, so that the sclerotia is difficult to germinate. Sheltered shelters use the high temperatures in the summer heat season to make the sclerotia die, reduce the source of bacteria, and strengthen the management of the celery growing season to detect the diseased plants in time and remove them. 2 At the beginning of the disease, the lower old leaves and diseased leaves were removed. At the same time, 50% Nongliling WP 1000 times liquid and 50% acetaminophen wettable powder 1500 times were sprayed to prevent and cure. The protected area can be smoked with 15% procymidone (sulferyl) smoke and 10% dimethyl sulfoxide, 300-400 g/mu. According to the condition of 2 to 3 times, usually 7 to 10 days of medication. Spray the lower part of the plant when spraying. Families In Vitro Diagnostic Kits Pcr Chain Reaction,Vitro Diagnostic Kits,Families In Vitro Diagnostic Kits,Polymerase Chain Reaction Process Jiangsu Dinai Bioengineering Co.,ltd. ,