Dairy cow viral diarrhea-mucosal disease, also known as cow viral diarrhea or cow mucous disease, is caused by viral diarrhea-mucosal virus in cows, an acute thermal infectious disease, the disease mucosal inflammation, erosion, necrosis and diarrhea. Epidemiological features The disease can infect a wide range of animals. Cows are more commonly found in yak aged 6-18 months. In the new epidemic area, there are many acute cases, generally not exceeding 5%, but the mortality rate can reach 80% to 100%; the acute cases in the old epidemic areas are rare, and the incidence and mortality are very low. The disease is not seasonal, but it can develop from year to year, but it mostly occurs in the winter and spring. The latent period of clinical symptoms is 7 to 14 days. According to clinical symptoms and disease course, it can be divided into acute type and chronic type. Acute type: more common in calves, the performance of a sudden onset, increased body temperature of 40 ~ 42 °C for 4 to 7 days. Some of the second increase in body temperature, depression, loss of appetite, rapid breathing, nasal mucus nasal flow, runny nose, nasal erosion and oral mucosal surface, exhale breath, usually in the mouth after the injury often occurs Diarrhea usually dies within 1 to 2 weeks after onset. Chronic type: Diseased cattle rarely show elevated body temperature, and erosion mainly occurs. Intermittent diarrhea occurs. Cows infect this disease during pregnancy and often suffer from miscarriage. Prevention and treatment methods Western medicine: 10% glucose injection 2000 ml, ampicillin 25, ciprofloxacin amount, yellow pigment injection 3 boxes, usage: once intravenous injection, once every 2 to 3 days, once daily; Lincomycin injection Liquid (human) 1 box, Usage: One intramuscular injection, every other day. Herbs: 60 grams of Bupleurum, 60 grams of Astragalus, 60 grams of Astragalus, 40 grams of licorice, 80 grams of Codonopsis, 40 grams of Pinellia, 60 grams of ginger, 10 jujubes, 60 grams of Pulsatilla, 30 grams of Coptis, 60 g of Chinese wolfberry, 40 g of Atractylodes Rhizome, 60 grams of betel nut, 60 grams of forsythia, usage: decoction, warming once a day, use 3, 1 day. Radiation Suit,Full Body Protection Suit,Hazmat Radiation Suit,Disposable Chemical Suit Wuxi Kanghe Medical Consulting Co., Ltd. , https://www.jskanghe.com