The fig is a perennial woody fruit tree of Moraceae and one of the fruit trees with high economic value in the world. With strong adaptability to cultivation, the result is early stage, high yield, long lifespan, less pests and diseases, easy breeding, low investment and high yield, and is the best tree species for the development of pollution-free green food. First, the fig fertilizer characteristics (I) Fig nutrient growth characteristics 1. Root vegetative growth characteristics Fig roots consist of adventitious roots, lateral roots, and fibrous roots, with no main roots. Its roots are distributed shallowly in the soil and are vertically distributed within 15 to 60 cm of soil. The horizontal root group expands horizontally by about 10 meters. As the tree age grows and the canopy expands, the roots stretch and deepen. In areas with deep soil layers, the root system can be stretched 1 to 2 meters. The soil is well ventilated, the oxygen supply is sufficient, the roots are stout, the root hairs are numerous, and the absorption capacity is also strong. Fig roots are related to elongation, filling, and respiratory intensity. About 10°C of soil temperature, the root system began to move. In Jiangsu, the peak period of activity is in mid-May and the peak of growth is in mid-June. In mid-May and late June, the fastest growing period of spring roots occurs. During the mid-August of mid-August, drought occurred in the middle of the month, and the roots were suspended. In late August to October 10, they re-grow and produce autumn roots. From late November to early December, the root system stops at temperatures below 10°C. 2. The vegetative growth characteristics of leaves The fig leaves are large and the leaves are thick. The structure and size of blades are not only restricted by the species itself, but also affected by environmental conditions and management measures. Planted in the shade, poor light conditions or excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer, too late, the book is not full of trees, thin and large; planted in the sunny place, light, nutritional conditions, branches, leaf thickness, normal size, leaves The fence is well-organized. The normal fig plants, in the course of new shoot elongation, can grow a leaf at each node of the new shoot, and grow a fruit at the leaf axil of the leaf. Therefore, for the whole plant, the number of leaves grown should be approximately the same as the number of results, and the leaf-fruit ratio is 1:1. Temperature rises above 20°C, and a leaf blade takes about 15 days to grow from leaf to leaf. However, when grown in the shade or at low temperatures, the number of days required to grow into a single leaf will increase, and the photosynthetic capacity of the leaves will decrease significantly. Therefore, too high or too low temperature can seriously affect the photosynthetic function and assimilation nutrient accumulation in leaves, affecting yield and quality. (b) Needed fertilizer characteristics of figs 1. Fig. Requirements for the soil environment The fig is a perennial fruit tree, and it is of a subtropical dry semi-desert zone. In deep soil, it can grow into a tall tree. The height of the tree can reach 18 meters, and the circumference of the trunk is 3 meters, making it more than 100 years old. Therefore, it is crucial to create a good ecological environment for the growth of figs. Fig roots are well developed, lush foliage, soil selection is not strict, and adaptability is wider. However, the most suitable soil conditions are deep loam or sandy loam. The soil is heavy, the roots are shallow, the ability to resist drought is reduced, the groundwater level is too high, and the drainage is not smooth, which can inhibit the respiration of the root system. The tree vigor is weak and the yield is low. Fig. Weak alkaline or neutral soil, the most suitable soil pH is 7.2 ~ 7.5. For fruit trees that are more salt-tolerant, the demand for calcium is greater. Therefore, in the acidic soils, the root activity will be affected, and lime must be added to improve the soil. The taboo phenomenon is more serious. For many years of continuous cropping, shoot growth and root development were significantly inhibited. Because old roots secrete toxic substances, it inhibits root development of newly planted figs. At the same time, old root knot nematodes are more likely to cause rot. For fields that must be continued, it is best to use dry-water rotations and plant figs at intervals of 2 to 3 years. For the replanting garden, all the old roots must be excavated, and then the planting holes should be dug, filled with new land that is not seeded with figs, and sprayed with nematicides to disinfect the soil. 2. Fig. Needed Fertilizer Characteristics (1) Fertilizer characteristics of figs 1 Absorption of various fertilizer components: Assay results showed (Table 7-5) that fig plants had the highest calcium uptake, as well as higher nitrogen and potash fertilizer requirements and less phosphorus. If the nitrogen uptake is 1, then the amount of calcium absorption is 1.43, the amount of potassium absorption is 0.9, and the amount of phosphorus absorption and magnesium absorption is only 0.3. After various fertilizer components are absorbed and utilized, the nitrogen and potassium components are mainly distributed in the fruits and leaves. Phosphorus is less distributed in leaves than nitrogen and more in nitrogen than in roots. Most of calcium and magnesium are distributed in the leaves, accounting for 80% and 60%. Table 7-5 Determination of Inorganic Components in Fig Leaves* (Jiangsu, 1991) Name Total Nitrogen (%)phosphorus (mg) Potassium (mg)calcium (Mg) Magnesium (mg) iron (mg) Zinc (mg) Blade 0.97197.85759.741391.60210.109.521.385 Branch 0.38091.30355.53268.91113.521.040.323 * Fresh weight per 100 grams. 2 Seasonal Changes in Nutrient Absorption: Seasonal changes in nutrient uptake can be used as a reference for determining fertilization periods. The absorption of nitrogen, potassium, and calcium in fig increased with germination, temperature rise after rooting, and tree growth. To the peak of nitrogen absorption in July, after the shoots grow slowly, the absorption of nitrogen nutrients will gradually decline until the deciduous period. Potassium and calcium are harvested from the fruit until the end of harvest, which is basically maintained at 30% to 50% of the peak absorption. After entering the month of October, it rapidly decreased as the temperature dropped. The absorption of phosphorus has been relatively stable from early spring to August and gradually decreased after entering August. The content of nitrogen and potassium in fruit gradually increased with the development of fruit, and after the middle of August, which entered into the mature period, the increase rate was significantly accelerated. In particular, the potassium content increased 1.5 times from mid-August to mid-October. The content of phosphorus, calcium, and American fruits also increased significantly from the middle of August. The various components in the leaves of the shoots increase with the growth of new shoots. However, after entering the mature period of fruit except calcium, it gradually decreased. The results showed that the contents of various nutrients in the branches were lower than those in the non-resulting branches. 3 Effects of fertilization on plant growth, yield, and quality: The fruit habit of figs is not the same as other fruit trees. As the fruit grows, the fruit grows longer and thicker in each section. As long as there is no phenomenon of leggy, the longer the new shoot grows, the more internodes there are and the more leaves there are, the more the result will be, and the higher the yield will be. The elongation of new shoots was most affected by the amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied. Within the appropriate range, with the increase of nitrogen application rate, the better the reproductive status, the fruit yield increased. However, over-application of nitrogen fertilizer in turn will inhibit fertility and reduce yield, affecting not only fruit quality, but also a large increase in fruit cracking and decay. Excessive nitrogen fertilizer resulted in the branches being very weak and the leaves large. Overcrowding within the canopy, lack of light, poor fruit coloration. The smaller the fruit shape, the lower the quality, and the more susceptible to drought, causing early defoliation. (2) Fig nutrient diagnosis and fertilization During the growth of fig, due to the lack of fertilizer elements, various abnormal symptoms often appear in leaves, branches and fruits. 1 Symptoms of Nitrogen Deficiency: In the absence of nitrogen, the growth of tree saplings is generally poor, and the leaf color becomes lighter. The rifting and cutting of leaves tends to be entirely leaf-shaped, the leaf margins curl upwards, and the die leaves have a rough and brittle feeling. The initial lack of light has little effect on root elongation. However, with the increase of nitrogen deficiency, hair roots are inhibited. The root system is easily corrupted or damaged by root worms, and the branches stop growing and aging earlier. The number of nitrogen-deficient inflorescences will decrease, the fruit shape in the early stage will be normal, but the fruit's transverse diameter will become smaller, the ripening time will be earlier and the quality will be good. However, due to the transfer of many nutrients in the leaves of nitrogen-deficit leaves to the fruits, the leaves faded significantly. As a result, the fruits of the upper branches of the branches were severely dropped, and the harvesting amount was reduced. When topdressing after severe nitrogen deficiency, shoot growth will be restored, but the fruit tends to brown and drop. This is similar to the situation with organic acid hazards, except that the organic acid damage does not fade, the leaf veins bulge, and the entire hazard process is much faster than nitrogen deficiency symptoms. Therefore, the improvement of soil fertility by applying fertilization and composting in the fig orchard to improve soil fertility is the fundamental measure for solving nitrogen deficiency. At the same time, topdressing is applied in a reasonable manner to avoid long-term nitrogen deficiency and to meet the normal growth of the tree. 2 Phosphorus deficiency symptoms: The process is slow and the appearance is not easy to identify. First of all, from the deepening of the leaf color, the leaf color of the lower leaf becomes lighter, and the new leaf will wither and fall off when it is not unfolded, so that the number of leaves will no longer increase, and the fruit of the apex will be clustered. The fruit is deformed and the cross section is irregularly round. The sun-facing anthocyanins of the unripe fruit appear slightly reddish purple. After topdressing with phosphate fertilizers, the growth of shoots can be restored to flourish, fruit ripening is quicker and it is not easy to drop fruit, and the response to topdressing nitrogen after nitrogen deficiency is completely different. The phosphorus-deficient roots were slender and the occurrence of lateral roots was inhibited. For phosphorus-deficient soils, when basal fertilizer is applied, 80 kg of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer per 667 m2 is mixed with decomposed compost to improve soil physical properties, enhance root activity, and favor phosphorus absorption. 3 potassium deficiency symptoms: plant potassium deficiency is not easy to find, when the symptoms have been significantly accelerated the process. The initial stage of potassium deficiency can promote the growth of leaves and leaves, and the performance is similar to that after excessive nitrogen fertilizer application. Then irregular brown infiltration spots appear on the back of the lower leaves, but they are not visible on the surface of the leaves. When the potassium deficiency condition continues to develop, leaf blade burns, and it quickly falls off. The elongation of branch shoots stops and becomes a typical symptom of potassium deficiency. Deficiency potassium is not aging, but it is very prone to frost damage and common scoop-shaped fruit. Roots grow poorly and appear black and rot. Since potassium is easily lost in the soil, it is very important to supplement the fertilizer during fruit development. 215~20kg of potassium sulfate per 667m, applied in 2~3 times, is beneficial to the vegetative growth of the tree and enhance the color and sugar content of the fruit. 4 Magnesium deficiency symptoms: The symptoms of magnesium deficiency are relatively easy to find. First, symptoms of chlorosis appear in vigorously growing leaves. It often occurs in the middle branches of the shoots, while the upper and lower leaves appear less. As the symptoms increase, the leaves are yellowish and white except for the petiole parts, brown large spots appear, the fruits fall early, and the number of mature fruits decreases. Magnesium deficiency had no effect on the growth of the roots, but as the symptoms of magnesium deficiency exacerbated root growth was inhibited. When the content of displaceable magnesium in the soil is less than 10 mg per 100 g of dry soil, 50 kg of magnesium sulfate is applied per 667 m2. Can also be combined with phosphorus deficiency, calcium deficiency, etc., appropriate increase in calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer. 5 Symptoms of calcium deficiency: Symptoms of calcium deficiency are not easy to find. At the top, the leaf is suddenly whitened and brown spots appear, leading to defoliation. The lower leaves grew normally and the branches became dark brown and shrank. The fruit became black and shedding, and the elongation of the roots was obviously obstructed. It was easily corrupted and had a particularly strong organic acid odor. Calcium is an element that is not easy to move and can no longer be used. The fig tree requires a large amount of calcium. In addition to applying calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer and superphosphate, 50 to 100 kg of mature lime is applied per 667 m2. 6 Symptoms of iron deficiency: Like calcium deficiency, it is firstly expressed on new leaves, but the symptoms are indistinguishable from magnesium deficiency and are often judged by differences in the parts where the leaves occur. The new shoots grow slowly when they occur, and the new shoots die. In the early period of childbearing, young fruit is completely albino, and if the symptoms occur in the later period of development, the fruit in the early and middle stages can still mature normally. In the event of iron deficiency, 0.05%~0.1% ferrous sulfate solution can be used for foliar spray. 7 Sulfur deficiency symptoms: The lack of sulfur in figs is similar to the symptoms of nitrogen deficiency. The leaf color of the whole plant became pale and the lower leaves had brown spots, but it was not easy to fall off leaves. The fruit develops slowly and even stops. It is not easy to mature on the result branch for a long time, and the branch shoots are aged and hardened quickly. The root system can still extend well in the early stage of sulfur deficiency, but it is brittle and brittle. However, when sulfur deficiency occurs, the use of cotton stalks, straw, and other organic matter to return to the field will help to supplement sulfur deficiency. After taking the above correction measures, the deficiency symptoms of fig trees gradually disappeared and returned to normal, and the content of nutrient elements in the leaves increased significantly. Second, Fig fertilizer technology (a) fig seedling nursery fertilization fig seedling period requires a large amount of fertilizer, must be applied early dressing, nutrients, and promote the healthy growth of seedlings. Top dressing is performed in 2~3 times, the first time in mid-May. After the seedlings have taken root and grow leaves, 20 kg of urea is applied per 667m2; the second time in early June, top dressing is applied every 667m2. 40 kg, the third time in early July, depending on the growth of the seedlings, it is appropriate to apply fertilizer, and 10 to 20 kg of compound fertilizer is applied per 667 m2. The infertile soil can be applied in an appropriate amount to prevent the emergence of a sterile seedling. For vigorously growing seedlings, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be properly controlled. Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer, too late, easy to cause autumn shoots long, reduce the ability of cold resistance, vulnerable to freezing damage. When applying fertilizer, try not to touch the root system to prevent root burning. The water is applied or applied in combination with watering. Annual seedlings, plant up to 1 meter or more, branch shoots full, buds full, developed roots, lateral roots, base diameter of 1.5 to 2 cm for the seedlings standard. (b) One-year-old seedlings are planted and fertilized 1. Fertilized figs grow well in well-ventilated loose soil before planting. The soil with shallow layer of cultivation, the lower layer has a cement layer, must be deep-turned before planting, expand the effective soil layer, generally deep-turning in the winter (11 to December) 50 to 60 cm, the lower soil turned to the surface, when plowing each 667 m2 of fermented organic manure 2000 kg, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer 50 kg, acid soil must be applied lime 100 kg. 2. Colonization of basal planting in the first month of planting and planting a hole in the depth of 40 to 60 cm and a diameter of 60 to 80 cm. According to each plant, 20 kg of manure was applied to the compost pile, 1.0 kg of cake fertilizer, 0.5 kg of phosphate fertilizer, and 1.0 kg of lime in the acid soil. Fertilization method: Put 10kg of straw and wheat straw into the lower layer of the planting hole and 10kg of decomposed stacks of organic matter and other fertilizers. The rest of the fertilizer and topsoil are mixed thoroughly and placed within 20cm of the middle layer, and then cover the topsoil by 10cm. Stepping. Within half a month after transplanting, water or dilute urine is often used to keep the soil moist and promote live seedlings. A compound fertilizer or urea is applied at the upper and middle of June, and 50-60 grams per plant is combined with loose soil and weeding to irrigate the water. (3) Fertilizing Techniques of Flowerless Orchard 1. During fertilization, base fertilizer and top dressing (1) The application period of basal fertilizer for basal figs can be carried out after trimming from November to December, but it is advisable to use it from late February to early March. Fig does not perform deep cultivator cultivators like other fruit trees. Early application of fertilizers spreads on the surfaces of dead leaves, and it will be lost due to wind and rain and snow. However, it should not be applied too late. After the application of base fertilizer after March, the decomposition and penetration of fertilizers will take some time, and the absorption and utilization of plants will be affected in the early stage. Basal fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, such as livestock and poultry manure, compost, rapeseed cake, etc., combined with the use of compound fertilizer. The nutrients needed by the plants can be supplied for a longer period of time, and nutrition can be constantly added to restore the tree vigor. It also prepares material conditions for the growth results of the following year. (2) Top dressing Fig. During top dressing application, in fig cultivation, it is divided into early top dressing (summer fertilizer) and late top dressing (autumn fertilizer). That is to say, based on the basic characteristics of the base fertilizer, the fertilizer needs to be supplied to the fertilizer in order to adjust the contradiction between the tree growth and the results to ensure high yield, stable production, and high quality. The specific time and frequency of topdressing should be based on plant growth and soil fertility. Generally divided into 3 to 6 times. In high-temperature and rainy areas, nutrients are easy to lose, and the number of top dressings should be higher, and the amount of fertilizer should be less; the tree vigor is weak, and the root growth is poor, and the frequency of top dressing must be increased; the young trees grasp the early stage of multiple application and early application of top dressing, and are used less frequently to promote new ones. The shoot grows full and enhances cold resistance. Fig plants have a large amount of early growth and require more fertilizer. As the new shoot elongation continues inflorescence differentiation, from the end of May to the middle of July is the peak period of aerobic fertilizer. At this time, top dressing plays a key role in the whole growth period. It is mainly to solve the contradiction between supply and demand of nutrients during the transition of shoot elongation, fruit development and tree nutrient storage. The fruit matured in late July and was harvested in late October. Harvest period up to 3 months. During this period, the tree vigor is strong, nutrients are adequate, mature fruit is large, and yield is high. If you neglect to top-up fertilizer in time, nutrients are insufficient, new shoots are weak, and fruit enlargement is poor, and tree vigor is premature. Therefore, timely top-dressing and top-dressing can not only promote fruit enlargement, increase late-stage yield and improve quality, but also benefit the growth of new shoots and nutrient accumulation in trees. According to the top dressing test results of the Zhenjiang Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the hilly area of ​​Jiangsu Province, the results showed that top-dressing in mid-July and mid-August resulted in 4.2 to 7.6 cm of branch growth and 0.97 to 1.65 kg of fresh fruit per plant, an increase of 12.3%. ~21%. In addition, when the top-dressing period is earlier, the effect of increasing production is more pronounced. In early September, autumn roots began to grow. In October, the amount of fruit harvested decreased and entered the accumulation period of storage nutrients. In late October, it is also very important to carry out late-stage top-dressing (autumn fertilizer). At this time, it is a period of vigorous growth and development of autumn roots. Dressing is beneficial to restoring tree vigor, increasing the function of leaf assimilation, and increasing storage nutrients. The accumulation of nutrients in storage plays a decisive role in the growth of the next year. However, the application period should not be too early to prevent the secondary elongation of the autumn shoots, but also consume nutrients; it can not be too late, the application is late, the autumn growth is slow, and the accumulation of stored nutrients is also less. It is worth noting that the growth of new shoots is very prosperous. There are more trees and one year old saplings in the sub-slightly. The cold resistance is weak and prone to frost damage. There is no need to top-dress in the later period. 2. The determination of the amount of fertilizer applied to fig fertilizer must be based on comprehensive analysis of soil fertility, tree age, and yield target. And through the fertilization test, in the production practices continue to be adjusted so that the amount of fertilizer can better meet the needs of fig growth. Fertile soil, organic matter, and strong tree garden, the amount of fertilizer is 10%~15% less than the standard amount. Plants with strong tree vigor are less in the same garden; weak tree vigor should be applied more appropriately to meet nutrient supply and promote strong tree vigor. However, it is not possible to fertilize too much at one time, and it should be carried out as many times as possible so as to prevent the fertilizer concentration in the roots from being too high and causing fertilizer damage. The amount of fertilizer used in young trees is generally 60% to 70% of adult trees. Excessive fertilization in the sapling period can easily cause the shoots to be unpractical, cause many ineffective shoots, and reduce the cold resistance, causing freezing damage in winter. It should be avoided to increase the rate of gardening by increasing the amount of fertilization. If the speed is not reached, it often leads to failure. According to the fertilizer test results of the Zhenjiang Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the hilly area of ​​Jiangsu Province (Table 7-6 and Table 7-7), the annual annual number of planting seedlings of figs requires less nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and 5.75 kg of nitrogen per 667 m2. Phosphorus 1.75 kilograms, potassium 6.25 kilograms, the maximum shoot growth. Compared with the annual unsuccessful tree, the results of the two-year tree require a one- to two-fold increase in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. From this point of view, the amount of fertilizer used for fig growth will increase gradually as the tree age increases and the yield increases. It is not necessary to use excessive nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers during the sapling period, otherwise it will cause new shooters to reduce production. Table 7-6 Effect of Different Amounts of N,P and K on Growth of One-year Planting Seedlings (Jiangsu, 1992) 46% urea 14% superphosphate 50% potassium sulfate Dosage (kg/ha) Active ingredient (kg/ha) Seed height (cm) Stem rough (cm) Dosage (kg/ha) Active ingredient (kg/ha) Seed height (cm) Stem rough (cm) Dosage (kg/ha) Active ingredient (kg/ha) Seed height (cm) Stem rough (cm) 0—1492.50—1492.50—1492.5 75.034.51512.9187.526.31633.0112.557.01512.9 187.586.31613.0375.052.51582.9187.593.81682.9 375.0172.51522.5562.578.81562.9375.0187.51623.0 562.5258.81452.3750.0105.01352.6562.5281.31592.9 750.0345.01441.91125.0157.51462.6750.0375.01492.6 Note: 1 Repeats for 3 treatments. 2 annual planting seedlings. From 1988 to 1990, the fixed-point fertilization amount and the effective allocation ratio experiment (Table 7-8) were conducted for three consecutive years. The fertilization amount in each period was about 50% to 70% of the total fertilization amount in the whole year and 30% in the summer. ~40%, fall fertilizer accounted for 10% to 20%. Among them, nitrogen fertilizers and basal fertilizers account for about 60% of total nitrogen, 30% for topdressing in summer, and 10% for fall fertilizer; phosphate fertilizers are mainly used for base fertilizers, accounting for 70% of total phosphorus, and the balance is used in compound fertilizers. For top dressing, the top dressing is dominated by topdressing, base fertilizer makes up 40% of total potassium, and top dressing makes up 60%. From the test results, it can be seen that the increase in fertilization has a significant effect on fruit yield. Three-year-old trees applied 16 kg of nitrogen per 667 m, which increased yields by 13.54% and 44% respectively compared to 8 kg of nitrogen and 6 kg of nitrogen per 667 m. After deducting the cost of multiple inputs, the net income increased by 17% and 29 per 667 m 2 . %. From the point of view of the application of fertilizers, the production of decomposed organic fertilizers, such as chicken manure and rapeseed cake, not only yields high yields but also has good quality. Increased production compared to urea Table 7-7 Effect of Different Amounts of N,P and K on Yield of Saplings (Jiangsu, 1993) 46% urea 14% superphosphate 50% potassium sulfate Dosage (kg/ha) Active ingredient (kg/ha) Yield (kg/ha) Increased yield (%) Dosage (kg/ha) Active ingredient (kg/ha) Yield (kg/ha) Yield increase (%) Dosage (kg/ha) Active ingredient (kg/ha) Yield (kg/ha) Yield increase (%) 0—5160.00—4173.50—3429.3 187.586.33976.5—187.526.34790.314.77187.593.84176.821.8 375.0172.56825.032.27375.052.505500.831.79357.0187.54201.422.51 562.5258.86947.934.59562.578.84665.611.78562.5281.33662.06.78 750.0345.05278.52.30750.0105.04147.6—750.0375.02018.3— 57.96%, 36.4% higher sugar content (Table 7-9) Table 7-8 Relationship between fertilization amount and fruit yield (Jiangsu, 1990) 667 m2 Fertilizer amount (kg) Fruit yield Nitrogen and phosphorus (P2O5) potassium (K2O) kg/strain kg/ha 16121613.2923922 86810.4818864 6559.2316614 Note: 1 Soil organic matter content is 2.04%, total nitrogen content is 0.125%, available phosphorus is 15.13 mg/kg, and available potassium is 50 mg/kg. 2 The test tree was produced for 3 years, and 667 m2 was planted with 120 plants. Six replicates were processed. Table 7-9 Effect of Different Fertilizer Types on Fig Yield and Quality (Jiangsu, 1991) Fertilizer name 667 m 2 dosage (kg) new shoot length (cm/stick) yield (kg/strain) Fold 667m 2 Yield (kg) Sugar (%) Not fertilize 074.21.07160.512 46% urea 22.586.71.57235.511 Rapeseed cake 75.0112.22.01301.513 Chicken manure 300.0144.62.48372.015 Note: 1 The test tree is a biennial, and 667 m2 is planted with 150 plants. 2 Fertilization period June 8th, 15 replicates of each treatment. 3 The yield is mature fruit, and the sugar content is determined with a hand-held sugar meter. To sum up, fig fertilization is based on the principle of phosphorus diazo potassium. The proportions of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and three elements are preferably 1:0.5:0.7 for young trees, and 1:0.75:1 for adult trees. In the specific application, the amount of fertilizer can be calculated according to the target yield of 1.06 kg of nitrogen per 100 kg of fruit, 0.8 kg of phosphorus, and 1.06 kg of potassium. If 1500 kg of fruit is produced per 667 m2, approximately 16 kg of nitrogen, approximately 12 kg of phosphorus, and 16 kg of potassium are required per 667 m2. However, due to the large differences in soil conditions and other local conditions, the fertilizing amount and the application rates of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be determined in accordance with the local actual conditions. According to the practice of Zhenjiang in Jiangsu Province in recent years, fertilization periods, times, and dosages for different tree ages are listed in Table 7-10 and Table 7-11 for reference. Table 7-10 Fertilization time and fertilizer amount in young tree stage (1 to 2 years old) (Jiangsu, 1993) Fertilization period 667 m 2 Fertilizer amount (kg) ratio (Nitrogen: Phosphorus: Potassium) Nitrogen and phosphorus (P2O5) potassium (K2O) In early March, base fat 522.51: 0.4:0.5 In early June, top dressing 2111:0.5:0.5 Mid-July Fertilizer - 1.50:0:1.5 Fertilizer in mid-August In mid-October, topdressing Total scalar 841:0.5:0.75 Table 7-11 Fertilization period and amount of fertilizer for adult trees (Jiangsu, 1993) Fertilization period 667 m 2 Fertilizer amount (kg) ratio (Nitrogen: Phosphorus: Potassium) Nitrogen and phosphorus (P2O5) potassium (K2O) In early March, base fertilizer 8661: 0.75:0.75 In early June, top dressing 4221:0.5:0.5 Top dressing in mid-July - 40:0:4 In mid-August, top dressing 2221:1:1 In mid-September top dressing 1111:1:1 In late October, fertilizer 1111:1:1 Total scalar 1612161: 0.75:1 3. Fertilization method The fertilization effect is closely related to the fertilization method, and the fertilization method must be adapted to the root distribution of the fruit tree. Only when the fertilizer is applied in the distribution layer where the roots are concentrated can the full use be made. The application of basal fertilizer is to dig shallow ditch depths of 20 to 30 cm between the plants and apply the fertilizer to the ditch and cover it again. Or in the garden after the fertilizer mix will be spread on the surface, timely shallow 15 cm soil layer, combined with a ditch covered with a layer of soil. According to the trunk 50 centimeters during shallow turning, prevent the root from being broken. If organic fertilizer is applied to top dressing, fertilization will be done 50 centimeters away from the main trunk. Inorganic fertilizer is best used for surface application. The combination of irrigation and fertilization after fertilization in the garden with irrigation conditions has good effect of fertilization; if the irrigation conditions are poor, it is necessary to pay attention to spreading it before the rain, or fertilize when the soil is moist. In short, it is necessary to grasp the time and place of fertilization, soil moisture content appropriate to play a role in fertilizer effect. Fertilizer is harmful if the soil is dry. Soil water or rain, nutrient loss, reduced utilization. Baijiu Alcohol Gifts For Birthday Baijiu Amazon,Baijiu Rice Wine,Chinese Baijiu Liquor,Popular Chinese Liquor Shan Dong Kao Shang wine industry Co.,Ltd ,