Maize rough dwarf disease is a virus disease transmitted by the planthopper, which has a great impact on the yield of corn. Generally, the yield is reduced by 2 to 30%, and serious ones will reach more than 50%. In recent years, due to the increase in the number of Laodelphax striatellus and the increase in the rate of poisoning, the incidence of this disease has risen significantly and has continued to increase. Prevention and control strategy: Adopting the safe seeding period to avoid disease selection, supplemented with the planting of resistant corn varieties, combined with chemical prevention and control strategies for comprehensive control of insect transmission. Agricultural control - choose safe sowing time, avoiding the age of corn susceptible leaves (do not sow from mid-May to early June). The spring corn planting should ensure that there are more than 7 to 10 leaves of the plant before the end of May, and that the summer corn will be sown after the generation of the adult population of the Sphaerotheca gracilis (planting after the early June). Planting resistant varieties such as Ludan 50, Suyu 9, Zhongyu 4, Nongda 108, Yuyu 22, etc., can significantly reduce the incidence and incidence of corn rough disease. In combination with field Dingmiao, timely removal of field strains, brought out of the field burned or buried. Chemical control - 1. Chemical seed dressing. 100-kg corn seeds were dressed with 10% imidacloprid 125-150 g. 2. Seedling control. In fields where the amount of gray locust flyworm is high, the incidence of rough dwarf disease is high, and the corn seedling age is within 10 leaves, it is necessary to use drugs to prevent and control the planthopper at the seedling stage. Medication started in late May (the corn sown after mid-May was started in one leaf period), 40% chlorpyrifos emulsifiable concentrate 60 ml per seedling, or 50% chlorhexidine emulsifiable concentrate 100 ml, or 5% fipronil suspension Agent 30 ml, or 25% buprofezin wettable powder 30 grams, control once every 5 to 7 days, continuous control 4 times. Fat sea has a mild diarrhea effect. Its mechanism is that the increase of intestinal contents after taking fat sea orally can produce mechanical stimulation, which results in the occurrence of diarrhea caused by the increase of reflex intestinal peristalsis. For anesthetized dogs, the intestinal peristalsis can be significantly increased by soaking fat sea overseas cortex, soft shell and kernels separately. This effect can be antagonized by atropine. Rabbit intestinal peristalsis in vitro was increased by the extract of benevolence, but the effect of outer skin and soft shell was not obvious. Scaphium Scaphigerum,Scaphium Scaphigerum Extract,Scaphium Scaphigerum Bagged,Scaphium Scaphigerum Extract Powder Lixian Spring Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ,