The golden skin zucchini, also known as the banana zucchini, uses the solar greenhouse for the off-season cultivation, which has high yield and good efficiency. 1. Variety selection The Korean hybrid squash hybrid was selected. It is mature, erect and suitable for winter and spring cultivation. The skin is golden-yellow, smooth skin, uniform fruit shape, stick-like, more female flowers, continuous fruit setting ability; fresh and crisp meat flavor Good, good merchandise. 2. Cultivate strong seedlings (1) Sowing period. The supply of New Year's Day, New Year's market, sowing date in October, mid-range is appropriate. (2) The deployment of nutritious soil. Take 6 parts of field soil plus 4 parts of decomposed rot, smashed and sifted, and add 1.5 kg of N, P, and K compound fertilizer per cubic meter of seedbed soil, 80 g of carbendazim and 60 g of phoxim, and mix well. Into the nursery, into the nursery, the width of 1.2 meters, arrangement requirements tight and seamless. Planting 1/15 hectares of greenhouses requires 30 square meters of seedbeds. (3) sowing. Before planting, the seedlings shall be thoroughly ploughed thoroughly. One seed per seedling shall be covered with 1.5 cm of moist fine soil. Covering the film after sowing, and covering the insect-proof gauze at the venting places such as the front edge of the greenhouse and the top window. (4) Seedbed management. Before emergence, maintain a high shelf temperature of 28-30 °C. After the emergence of the first true leaf to expand, reduce the greenhouse temperature appropriately, during the day 20 - 25 °C, 12 - 15 °C at night. After the first true leaf is unfolded, keep temperature 22-26°C, night temperature 12-16°C, and a temperature difference of about 10°C is good for cultivating strong seedlings. Usually do not water during the nursery, you can spray 75% chlorothalonil WP 600 times plus 20% of the virus A wettable powder 500 times, to prevent the occurrence of fungal and viral diseases. 7 days before planting, large ventilation, low-temperature hardening seedlings. Strong seedlings standard: three leaf one heart, thick stems, short internodes, dark green leaves, petiole short, well-developed root system, not suffering from pests and diseases, seedling age about 30 days. 3. Soil preparation, ridging and colonization 1/15 hectares of quality circle fertilizer 10 cubic meters, 100 yuan compound fertilizer, 100 kg cake, and deep-turn 30 centimeters, leveling and squeezing, fully buckled the shed film 10 days before planting; use 45% chlorothalonil 300 grams of clear smoke agent closed smoke sterilized. A 20-centimeter tall ridge. Take a large row of 80 cm, a small row of 60 cm, 60 cm spacing, planting 1600 per 1/15 hectare, planting a hydroponic seedling, infiltrating the soil after water infiltration, try not to loosen soil, protect the root system, ridge back, ridge Cover the mulch at the end of the entire process. The mulch must be tight and sealed. Dog Jerky,Chicken Jerky For Dogs,Duck Jerky For Dogs,Jerky Treats For Dogs Jiangxi Welton Pet Products Co., Ltd. ,