Rodents are an important part of agricultural pests. The pests have strong fertility. As long as the conditions are appropriate, the population of the pests can rise rapidly in the short term. Therefore, strengthening pest control in the spring is necessary. There are four types of anti-conspiracy methods for pests, namely, ecological control, physical control, chemical control, and biological control. At present, the use of chemical drugs to control rodents as the main means, can be used 0.5 of bromadiolium rodenticide, 500 g rat drug plus 2-3 kg of water diluted, dubbed mother liquor, the mother liquor sprayer or watering can, etc. sprayed in 50 kg Wheat (fresh wheat with no mildew), mixed with spray and sprayed, sprayed and mixed well, piled up and froth for several hours until the food was fully absorbed and then spread out and dried. Serve as poison baits. The pellets should all be red, and the appearance of white pellets indicates that the mix is ​​not uniform. The bait is put into 150-200 g per acre land, and the farm feeding is 1010 meters in strip feeding method, that is 10 meters of pile spacing, 10 meters spacing, 20 grams of poison baits piled in each pile, protected areas, pigs Special environment baits such as farms and chicken farms are placed near the wall and near rodents, and 20 grams of poison baits are generally distributed every 10 square meters. The focus is to ensure that rodents, fields, and mantles are relatively concentrated. More poison bait. To prepare baits and baiters, wear gloves to avoid direct contact with the skin. If the skin is to be washed repeatedly with soap, vitamin k1 is a special antidote for the drug.
A microtome (from the Greek mikros, meaning "small", and temnein, meaning "to cut") is a tool used to cut extremely thin slices of material, known as sections. Important in science, microtomes are used in microscopy, allowing for the preparation of samples for observation under transmitted light or electron radiation.
Microtomes use steel, glass, or diamond blades depending upon the specimen being sliced and the desired thickness of the sections being cut. Steel blades are used to prepare sections of animal or plant tissues for light microscopy histology. Glass knives are used to slice sections for light microscopy and to slice very thin sections for electron microscopy. Industrial grade diamond knives are used to slice hard materials such as bone, teeth and plant matter for both light microscopy and for electron microscopy. Gem quality diamond knives are used for slicing thin sections for electron microscopy.
Microtomy is a method for the preparation of thin sections for materials such as bones, minerals and teeth, and an alternative to electropolishing and ion milling. Microtome sections can be made thin enough to section a human hair across its breadth, with section thickness between 50 nm and 100 µm.
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