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First, prepare before broadcast
1. Before picking the ground, dip melon and turn it deeply with water to achieve the "six-character" standard. The soil is brown-brown soil, the pH value is 8.2, the organic matter content is 1.3%, the alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen is 60 mg/kg, and the available phosphorus is 15 mg. /kg, available potassium 105 mg/kg.
2. Variety varieties are Yumin Safflower, artificial seed selection before sowing.
3. Seed treatment The selected seeds were sunned for 1 day, and then 20% triadimefon was used for 3% of the seed amount. Seed dressing, boring 12 hours sowing.
4. Apply base fertilizer to drill 10 kg of DAP before sowing with drill.
Second, sowing
Broadcast volume
667 square meters broadcast 2.1 kg.
2. The sowing method was to use a special corn on-demand machine and mouth to carry out wide and narrow rows of film on demand, with a width of 55 cm (width between the membranes), a narrow row of 45 cm (width above the membrane), and a spacing of 12 cm.
Sowing date
April 10th.
4. Broadcast depth
3 to 4 centimeters.
5. Seed Fertilizer
667 square meters of diammonium phosphate 5 kg.
Third, field management
1 seedlings
On April 19th, the point of dislocation and misplacement was manually released.
2. The cultivator will perform deep ploughing on May 1 and May 17 respectively.
3. Dingmiao will be set on May 4th, with a basic seedling of 18,000 plants/667 square meters.
4. Top-dressing on June 17 with a small four-wheel deep application of urea 7 kg/667 square meters.
5. Watering the shoots (June 18) topping water, budding period (June 28th) pouring the second water, the first flowering period (July 19th) pouring the third water.
6. Pest control On June 26th, 25% burton sprayed 15 kg of water to prevent rust. In addition, the root rot of safflower started from the budding stage and gradually died from the late flowering stage to the mature stage, with a mortality rate of 40%.
IV. Field Fertility Survey Form 1 Field Fertility Survey (Day/Month)
Seeding period Emergence period Rosette stage Elongation Period Branch stage Flowering stage Mature stage Harvest period
10/4 17/4 12/5 28/5 16/6 26/7 18/8 21/8
The mulch safflower was 7 days earlier than the land safflower.
V. Measured production The pre-harvest measured production, 667 square meters of effective number of 18,000, effective number of 21 / strain, pellets of 11.8 / fruit ball, weight 33 grams of grain, yield 125 kg / 667 square meters.
6. Economic Benefit Analysis Table 2 667 square meters Economic Benefit Analysis Cost Investment (yuan) 667 square meters of pure profit Seed Fertilizer Plastic film cultivating fee Weeding disease Harvest water fee Picking flower (kg) (yuan)
Plastic film 9.45 50.2 30 32 15 5 18 32 162 125 282.85
Land 13.5 36.8 24 12 3.5 18 20 108 52 110.2
From Table 2, it can be seen that the economic benefit of mulch safflower is higher than that of land safflower, increasing the benefit by 157%.
Seven, plastic film analysis
1. The drawbacks of mulch safflower 1 mulch safflower vegetative overgrowth, plant height is too high, the disease occurs more serious than land, especially safflower root rot. 2667 square meters less seedlings. 3 Three excessive branches.
2. Advantages of mulch safflower 1 Saffron 1~2 branches have more effective balls. 2 Weeding effect is good, labor saving and labor saving. 3 high production of silk yarn and good quality.
Author: Tacheng City Asil Township Agricultural Technology Promotion Station
Plastic film safflower cultivation technology
The increase in production of mulch cultivation has become a mature technology in corn and melon farming, which has brought great economic benefits to farmers. In order to apply this technology to safflower cultivation, she was standing in Lexiang Township, Yemen in 2005. Garden Village conducted a mulching cultivation experiment.