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Spring cattle health care
In the spring, cows should pay attention to the following aspects: After drinking water to feed the cattle, provide enough clean and warm water. Cold water tends to stimulate the stomach of the cow, causing gastrointestinal problems. Pregnant cows are also prone to miscarriage. In addition, cold water consumes much of the calories of cattle and wastes feed. After the temperature enters spring, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and usually there are more cushions and grounds for changing the bar, keeping the cowshed dry, and preventing the wet bar, so as to facilitate heat preservation. The temperature in the barn should be maintained at 8 °C ~ 20 °C. Humidity should pay attention to keeping the ventilation in the barn well, pay attention to changing the bedding, keep the house dry, the barn humidity should not be too large, otherwise it will reduce the milk production of dairy cows, in serious cases will also cause some of the cows caused by fungi disease. Often sprinkle lime powder or ash in the house, this will not only reduce the temperature within the house, but also disinfection and anti-virus, will help increase milk production. Feeding clean forage grass The feed for cattle in spring is generally stored in the previous year, and it will have mildew in different degrees when it is eaten in spring. Cows often cause chronic or acute poisoning after eating. Feed should be carefully checked before feeding to avoid bovine disease supplement minerals and vitamins in the usual feed supplement bone meal, calcium phosphate, calcium hydrogen phosphate, both calcium and phosphorus, digestive utilization is relatively high . Due to the long-term feeding of low-quality hay, straw and other rhizome feed during the winter feeding period, vitamin E deficiency may be caused and the incidence of white muscle disease in calves may be increased. So add vitamin E. Pay attention to the brushing of the body of the cow body to keep the body clean and hygienic, promote blood circulation and metabolism, enhance disease resistance, and reduce the incidence of colds and other diseases. Brush 2 times a day, morning and evening, 3 to 5 minutes each time, to thoroughly brush the body area, not omissions.