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Star anise is prone to pests and diseases during the cultivation process, and if it is not controlled in time, it will result in serious reduction of production. The main pests of the octagonal octagonal octagonal locust, octagonal golden worm, star anise and other tunnel insects. Its occurrence and control methods are described below.
The octagonal octagonal locust is a leaf-feeding pest that damages the octagonal tree and is generally severe. Harm in the Octagon-producing areas, and even eaten the leaves of the entire eight-corner forest, resulting in poor growth of the octagonal tree, or the whole plant withered.
1. Morphological characteristics: Adult octagonal maggots are moths whose antennae are filamentous, gray wings on their wings and their bodies, dark spots between them, and a round spot in the middle of the hind wings. Female moths are shorter than male moths. The eggs are small, flat and light yellow. The larvae are yellowish-green when they are mature, with brown spots spread throughout the body and 2 to 3 cross-shaped spots on the back. Brown-red, with a forked thorn at the end.
2. Living habits: Octopus ocellatus occur 3 to 4 generations a year, with pupa or larvae overwintering. Three to five months of the year and from September to October are the endangered periods of octopods. Adults often rest in shaded places during the day and at night, their phototaxis is weak. Adults generally spawn about 300 eggs, eggs in the back of the leaf, egg period of about 6 to 13 days. Young larvae eat only a small amount and can only eat the leaves on the back of the leaves, and the fourth instar larvae can eat the entire leaf. The larvae droop downwards after being disturbed, and the mature larvae lay down in the loose soil or under the litter layer.
3. Control methods
(1) Manual control. Use a hooked bamboo pole to hook the branches and shake them so that the larvae will fall. Then place a viscose loop about 6 to 10 centimeters wide on the trunk about 30 to 60 centimeters from the ground to block off the insects on the ground and damage it. . The adhesive can be mixed with 1 part of tung oil and 1 part of turpentine. Concentrate the landing larvae and burn or write poultry feed. Artificial digging, trapping and killing can also be used. In winter, digging is done. The loose soil is 10 cm deep, and in May-August, about 6 cm of loose soil is dug. Before loosening the soil, loosen the soil, induce the earthworms to burrow in the loose soil layer, and then cover the soil with 6 cm and a little more solid to prevent its feathering.
(2) Drug control: The use of 5% high-efficiency cassava 3500 times or 25% DDT emulsion sprayed 300 times, the mortality rate of 100%. DDT emulsion can also be prepared by itself, with 97% DDT 15 grams, 70 grams of kerosene, 200 grams of water mixed heated to 80 ° C, stir and serve. The self-made DDT emulsion was diluted with water 100 times and sprayed. The cost of this method is low, but it is necessary to pay attention to complete emulsification in the preparation, and it is appropriate to have no kerosene floating surface.
The adults and larvae of the two octagonal golden worms bite the tender octagonal tender leaves. The damage to the octagonal larvae is relatively gentle. The leaves and twigs are severely eaten, and even the whole plant dies.
1. Morphological characteristics: Male body length 9 to 12 mm, width 5 to 7 mm, abdomen smaller, oval body shape, egg yolk or brown-yellow; Coleoptera soft, metallic luster, small head, chewing mouthparts , dark brown, with two small black spots on the skull, compound eye black, hemispherical; antennae filamentous, a total of 11 nodes; pronotum trapezoidal, there are two more obvious small dark spots; coleoptera wider than the chest Slightly inflated in the middle, hemispherical, with 10 dark patches (yellowish or brownish-yellow background). The female body is 12 to 14 mm in length and 7 to 9 mm in width, and the abdomen is enlarged and has a false death habit. Egg oval, 0.8-1 mm long, 0.4 mm in diameter, egg yellow, egg shell is thin, 20 to 35 grains are aggregated into irregular blocks, prolific in the tree fork, leafhopper, bark crack, egg block gray-brown Same color as bark. The instar larvae have a body length of 2.5 to 6.5 mm and a head width of 0.4 to 0.6 mm. The newly hatched larvae are dark yellow and become egg-yellow after 2 to 3 days. The old mature larvae are hypertrophic and have a body length of 13 to 18 mm. , head width 1.2 to 2 mm, oblate, insects with egg-white as the background, dense blue-black patches, arranged in five longitudinal bands, larger plaques in the dorsal line, sub-line and valve line The block is small, with dark brown heads, yellow abdomen eggs, 3 pairs of thoracic feet, and suckers in the abdomen, brownish yellow. The dragonfly is naked, nearly elliptical, 7-9 mm long, pale yellow, mostly in the loose soil around the tree roots in the earthen chamber, the earth chamber is 1.5 to 3 centimeters deep.
2. Habits: Golden Hornworm occurs one generation a year and winters on the branches with egg masses. In early March, the eggs began to hatch. From mid-March to mid-April, the larvae hatched. After three peelings, they began to pupate in late April and lasted 10 to 15 days. After emergence, the adults began mating and hatching in late June. The larvae and the eclosion are extremely irregular. The larvae often show several worms at the same time. The longest egg period can reach 8 months or more. Adults were more active during sunrise and early morning after rain. They rested quietly on the back of the leaves at noon and in the evening. They fell to the ground when they were frightened, and they were suspended unmoving. Adults lay their eggs on the branches and piled into blocks. First-instar larvae often cluster on young shoots and feed on young shoots and young leaves. A 2 to 3 instar larvae can eat 2 to 3 leaves a day. After the mature larvae landed, they were put into the soil-building room for larvae.
3. Control methods
(1) Manual control. Artificial adult hunting, with a large bamboo tube, upload funnel, a small hole in the lower part of the bamboo tube surrounded by a white cloth, so that there is weak light penetration, the use of insects of the dead-dead habits and hi light, contact with the body with a bamboo tube, gold flower worm Fall into the bottom of the bamboo tube, no longer fly, collected and burned. In addition, the eggs were harvested manually using the characteristics of the egg-laying period of 7 to 8 months, and the eggs were prolific in the characteristics of branches, leafhoppers, bark cracks, and trunk lichens. In May, when the trees are tended, the grasshoppers, loose soil, etc. are excavated and exterminated.
(2) Drug control. In the flat terrain, the use of dichlorvos or dimethoate spray 400 to 500 times the liquid, the better.
(3) Biological control. The use of Beauveria bassiana in high temperature and high humidity weather in the early morning or after rain has better control effect.
Third, the octagonal tunnel insects The insects eat octagonal bark ring, the excrement of excrement in the tree epidermis to form a protective layer, and then drilled into a tunnel, and finally in the tree pods inside the pod hole hiding. The victim tree grows slowly, weakens its tree vigor, and has fewer fruit.
Control can be used dichlorvos or methamidophos 300 times plus a small amount of kerosene, spray along the tree ring tunnel, observed every other month, if the insects still did not fall out of the spray again.
Occurrence and Control of Main Pests of Star anise
Octagon is a special economic tree species in southern South China. The investment in the Octagon is less and the income is large. It is a way for mountain farmers to benefit the contemporary and benefit future generations. Star anise and fennel oil are the main products of the star anise. They are excellent seasoning spices, cosmetic spices and pharmaceutical raw materials. They are welcomed by domestic and foreign markets and are one of China’s traditional export goods. China's star anise output accounts for 90% of the world's total, and Guangxi, in particular, accounts for 85% of the nation's total exports.