Farmers raise cows at first


As a new industry, dairy cows are developing vigorously and a large number of new dairy cattle breeding specialists have emerged. Since many farmers are first raising dairy cows, they are still not fully aware of the basic feeding and management methods and methods of dairy cows and caused certain losses in some aspects. Therefore, the author combines the problems existing in the production of the first dairy cows in production, and puts forward the following suggestions: Make full preparations before entering cows. Before the introduction of dairy cows, the first cow raising family needs to learn to master the basic knowledge of feeding and management of dairy cows, do a good job in the construction of barn and other infrastructure, and prepare enough forage to feed according to the number of dairy cows purchased, so that everything is ready. Only cows are owed." In this way, after the introduction of dairy cows, it will not be flustered to ensure the normal production of dairy cows. Don't be afraid to buy yaks. Since cows are competing to develop cows, cattle resources are relatively tight, and high-yield and high-quality dairy cows are relatively difficult to buy and expensive, many newly-raised dairy cows are greedy for cheap or do not know how to buy improved cows with low milk production, or are over-aged. Some cows even bought back sick cows suffering from mastitis and metritis. Therefore, when farmers purchase dairy cows, they must employ technical personnel to help select young cows with high yields and quality. Feeding management methods must be scientific. First, when buying cows, it is necessary to understand as much as possible the original living environment and conditions of the cows, such as the types of forages fed, the amount fed, the number of daily milkings, and the number of daily feedings. The second is to optimize feed formulation, reduce production costs, and maximize economic efficiency. Different feed formulas and fine feeds should be determined based on the amount of milk produced per cow. Actively promote the sale of milk. Some places have only just started to develop dairy cow production. Dairy cows are small in scale and produce less milk. They are unable to send large dairy processing companies. Some cattle farmers are simply not milking and are only used for calves. I wonder if this will affect cows later. The milk production performance. Therefore, dairy farmers should actively open up the local milk sales market, insist on normal milking, and maintain the normal production level of dairy cows. China Agricultural Network Editor

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